LIP GLOSS Lip gloss is a cosmetic product used primarily to give the lips have a shiny touch and sometimes subtle color. It is distributed as a liquid or a soft solid (not to be confused with lip balm, which generally has medicinal purposes). It can be completely clear, translucent, or various shades of opacity, including frosted, glittered, and metallic looks.
Inventor Date launched Location Max Factor 1932
Advantages of invention Moist lips Colorful lips Shiny lips None flaky lips
How did it happen? A cosmetics industry saw that people had dry and colorless lips and invented lip gloss (Max Factor)
environmental Some lip glosses have been tested on animals Some lip glosses have containers that if u set in fire it releases a bad chemical(s) or fumes in to the environment.
Affects on society People are more attractive People are attracted to each other Distracts junior high students in class Makes feel more confident
Is this a good invention? I think this is a great invention because it makes girls lips look good and feel good I get chaped lips all the time and I like lip gloss because it stops my lips from going dry.