Lecture By: Mrs. Sidra Hasan
Calcaneus Above View (Left Foot)
cuboidCub oid
2 nd Cuneiform
1 st Cuneiform
3 rd Cuneiform
Tuberosity of the 5 th Metatarsal
Proximal Phalange
CALCANEUS Side View (Left Foot)
Calcaneus Inside Lateral View (Left Foot)
1 st Cuneiform
Distal Phalange
Middle Phalange
Proximal Phalange
Foot arches
CLASSIFICATION OF ARCHES 1)Medial longitudinal arch 2)Lateral longitudinal arch 3)Transverse arches
Medial longitudinal arch More higher, more mobile, more resilient than lateral arch. Formed by the calcaneum, the talus, the navicular,3 cuneiforms & 1 st 3 metatarsal bones. ENDS: ANTERIOR END: FORMED BY heads of 1 st,2 nd.3 rd metatarsals. POSTERIOR END: FORMED BY medial tubercle of calcaneum. SUMMIT: FORMED BY sup. Articular surface of talus
Medial longitudinal arch PILLARS: ANT. PILLAR: Formed by talus, naviclar bone, 3 cuneiforms &1 st three metatarsals bones. POST. PILLAR: SHORT &STRONG FORMED BY medial side of calcaneum. MAIN JOINT: TALOCALCANEONAVICULAR JOINT
LATERAL LONGITUDINAL ARCHLL Characterstically low, less mobile,less resilient. Designed to transmit more Wt & thrust to ground. Formed by the calcaneum, the cuboid & 4 th,5 th metatarsal bones. ENDS: ANt.END: FORMED BY Heads of 4 th &5 th metatarsal bones. POST. END: FORMED BY Lateral tubercle of calcaneum.
. SUMMIT: LIES at the level of articular facet on the sup. Surface of calcaneum at the level of subtalar joint. PILLARS: ANT. PILLAR: Long &weak. Formed by The cuboid bone & 4 th &5 th metatarsal bones. POST. PILLAR: Strong & short. Formed by lateral side of calcaneum. Main joint: CALCANEOCUBOID JOINT.
TRANSVERSE ARCHES ANT. TRANSVERSE ARCH FORMED BY heads of all 5 metatarsal bones Its complete arch as heads of 1 st and 2 nd metatasal bones come in contact of ground and form two ends. POSTERIOR TRANSVERSE ARCH: Formed by greater part of tarsus & bases of metatarsus. It’s a half arch as only lateral end comes in contact with ground. Making half dome.. Other dome is formed by 2 nd foot.
Factors SHAPES of bones Intersegmental ties or ligaments & muscles that hold different segments of arch TIE BEAMS or bowstrings that connect two ends of arch. SLING: keep the summit of arch pulled up.
Factors 1)Bony factor: Post. Transverse arch is maintained mainly by bony factor as most of the tarsal bones involved (e.g, cuneiforms & the heads of metatarsal bones) are wedge shaped. Apex of the wedge pointing downwards. Bony factor is not very imp incase of other arches.
Intersegmental ties Ligaments support all arches. Medial long.arch : by spring ligament Lateral long.arch : by long &short planter ligaments. Transverse arches : metatarsal bones are held together by interosseous muscle.
Intersegmental ties
Tie beam Help from flattening the arch. Keep the ant. &post. Ends of arch close together Longitudinal arches : by planter aponeurosis & muscles of first layer of sole. Transverse arches: adductor hallucis
Slings Medial long. Arch: the summit is pulled up by tendons passing from the post. Comp of leg into sole of foot. i.e; tibialis post. Flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus. Lateral longitudinal arch: the summit is pulled upward by peroneus longus & brevis. Tendons of tibialis post. &peroneus longus make a sling together that support the longitudinal arches by pulling the middle of foot upwards.
Slings Transverse arches : peroneus longus crosses the foot from lateral to medial side thus supports transverse arches. Tibialis post. By various slips in the sole.
FUNCTIONS OF ARCHES Distribution of body wt Spring action during walking &running Shock absorber Protection of soft tissues of sole
Clinical anatomy of arches Pes planus Pes cavus Claw foot Talipes equanus Talipes calcaneus Talipes varus Talipes valgus Talipes equanuvarus (club foot) Talipes calcaneovalgus
Foot anamolies
Quick Quiz How many phalanges are in the foot? 14 How many metatarsals are in the foot? 5 How many tarsals are in the foot? 7 In total, how many bones are in the foot? 26