ORIGINS OF CATHOLICISM Began with the death of Jesus of Nazareth, resurrection and ascension in A.D. 30 (an intent preacher around Jerusalem) Established and built by apostles Members congregated in a communion of churches headed by bishops Primacy is traced back to apostle Peter With the help of emperor Constantine, the religion became legalize Today it has grown fastest in Africa, South America and Asia (Roman Catholic)
SACRED TEXTS The Bible is a collection of books written by the close followers of God. It explains his plan of salvation amongst the world. It is made up of73 books and divided into two sections, the old and new testament. Some of these books contain wisdom prophetic and historical stories New Testament: Written in Greek and recording the life of Jesus and his earliest followers Old Testament: Connected with the Hebrew laws, history and prophecy (Ask a Catholic)
BELIEFS Must follow the 10 commandments 7 sacraments Receive communion Forgiveness of sin Hell, place of eternal damnation Clergy Selection (Fairchild)
LEADERS IN ORDER The pope: Is the universal bishop over all bishops Cardinals: Chosen by the pope, they are bishops with additional privileges but do not rank over anyone outside of their own diocese. Archbishops: Verified bishops Bishops: Cathedrals are bishops homes and can only be fired by the pope. Priests: A co-worker of a Bishop, can be a Dioscen or religious priest. Catholics: the followers of Jesus Christ
CATHOLIC PRACTICES Follow the 10 commandments 7 Sacraments to life Receive communion (use an alter along with servers) Read from the bible and listen to sermons given by the priest (Ask a Catholic)
ORIGINS OF JUDAISM Dated about 4000 years back Stemmed from eastern region of Canaan which is modern day Israel and Palestinian territories. Began with Abraham during the 1 st century Primary figures were Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and prophet Moses Monotheistic (Religion Library)
SACRED TEXT The Torah- The Torsh refers to the 5 books of Moses which ARE Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The whole foundation of the Jewish law and teachings are found in the Torah. (Judaism101)
SIGNIFICANT LEADERS The Messiah is the promised deliver of the Jewish nation prophesied in the Hebrew Bible. Moses (take out) was the greatest prophet, leader and teacher of Judaism. In Rumba's 13 principles of faith Moses is even mentioned. Aaron: Moses’ brother, he was founder of the priesthood and the first Kohien Gadol (means highest priest) Mriam: Aaron and Noses’ older sister she was a prophetess in her own right, She prophesized that her parents would give birth to a person who would bring about their peoples’ redemptions.(before Moeses’ birth) (Judaism101)
BELIEFES Monotheistic :They only believed in one God, they focus on the relationships between the Creator, mankind, and land of Israel. Raba's 13 principles of faith 1.God exist 2.God is one and unique 3.God is incorporeal 4.God is external 5.prayer is directed to God alone and no one other 6. The words of the prophet are true 7.moses prophecies are true, and Moses was one of the greatest prophets 8.The Torah was the first were given to Moses 9.There will be no other Torah 10.God knows the thoughts and needs of men 11. God will reward the good and punish the evil 12.The messiah will come true 13.The dead will be resurrected (Jewish Beliefs)
JUDAISM PRACTICES The Jewish pray in congregation at least three times a day. They study the Torah which is their bible. The Torah is read religiously each holy day. The entire Torah is actually read on special occasions and on Sabbath days. Sunday’s should consist of prayer, rest and family time Jewish Festivals include: Passover, Shabuoth, sukkot, Rosh Haashanah and Yom Kippur, Hanukkah and Purim ( Judaism)
WORKS CITED (n.d.). Retrieved January 12, 2014, from Ask a Catholic. (n.d.). Retrieved January 12, 2014, from Fairchild, M. (n.d.). Christianity. Retrieved January 2014, 12, from Jewish Beliefs. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2014, from Religion Facts: Judaism. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2014, from ThinkQuest: Judaism101. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2014, from Judaism101: Religion Library. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2014, from Patheos: Roman Catholic. (n.d.). Retrieved January 12, 2014, from Patheos Library: