Business & Company Information: Sources & Strategies Research Refresher Laura M. Scott March 27, 2009
Goals for today Cover the basics of company research in law practice Strategies and favorite sources Provide examples of available online tools and their features Discuss the kinds of information you can (and can’t) expect to find
Why research companies? Marketing and business development Conflicts checking Litigation Due diligence Competitive intelligence: research other law firms
Scope of factual research Depends on: reason for the research time constraints financial constraints
Internet research tools Free & fee-based tools Some free tools require registration Some free partial access Lots of fee-based (per search & subscription) sources Don’t forget outside resources e.g., Local public and university business libraries, government libraries, private subscription libraries
Researching Companies
Scenario You’re preparing to visit a potential corporate client. What do you want to know? Info about the people you’re meeting with Info about the company’s business Any recent legal issues they’ve had Their competitors Trends in their industry
General tips for company research Know whether the company is public or private. Kinds & sources of info may differ Public - SEC filings Private - D&B, other private company reports, Secretary of State’s office What if you don’t know? Try Hoover’s
Good example of a combination free and fee-based source.
General tips, cont. Start with the company website… Especially the “About us,” “Investor relations,” and “Company history” sections...but do your own research, too.
Earnings conference call
News of potential legal interest
General tips, cont. Consider whether a fee-based source would add value to your research. Save time The only source? Nicely formatted output Support Better search and navigation functionality
Specific kinds of company information
General background Company info, general industry info and competitors Why? Marketing & good client service – important to understand client’s business. Sources (examples): SEC filings and annual reports to shareholders Industry-specific journals Company reports Hoover’s Business Source Complete (Datamonitor company reports; industry journals; market reports) Mergent Online Bloomberg, Lexis, and Westlaw Yahoo! Finance
Finding Business Source Complete & Mergent
Includes many scholarly business journals and useful profiles and reports
Report is based mostly on SEC filings, but provides a quick executive summary.
Another useful fee-based source for company info. (Find it the same way you’d find Business Source Complete.)
Good for a quick overview Another cool feature: Variety of output options - simple “tear sheet” to complex customized reports.
Different amounts of info, depending on your subscription
Lots of search options “Westlaw Business,” an example of a fee-based source for securities filings
Business & Legal News News about the company, including management changes, legal issues, trends affecting its industry Why? – Understand the client’s business and industry and potential legal needs Sources LexisNexis (or Westlaw) Bloomberg Business journals (e.g.,,) Local/regional business newspapers e.g., Industry-specific trade journals Try Business Source Complete or Dialog
Great for local/regional business news.
Lots of cities/regions
Corporate structure Family trees/subsidiaries Why? Conflicts checking Marketing Due diligence Tools: SEC Form 10-K, Ex. 21 Directory of Corporate Affiliations (Lexis) Dun & Bradstreet Family Tree Finder Mergent Online Industry-specific sources e.g., Best’s Company Reports (insurance/reinsurance)
Public company, simple research task: use free SEC filings
List of exhibits to 10-K
List of subsidiaries is always in the same exhibit
Private company: May have to use a fee-based source
Corporate family tree, useful formatting.
Bonus: Nice private company report
Not much financial data
Important people Identification and biographical information about officers, directors, insiders, general counsel Why? Marketing – do we know someone at this company? Tools: Company website (“About us”) SEC filings (public) – 10-K, among others Private company reports e.g., Dun & Bradstreet Secretary of State (sometimes)
Dun & Bradstreet Too small for private company reports on Lexis or Business Source Complete Range of reports $-$$$$$
State of Incorporation Not always the same as corporate HQ location Why do you need to know? Often stated in complaints Diversity jurisdiction Tools: Public companies: Cover sheet of SEC filings Private companies: Secretary of State Free Fee-based source: (
Again, free is fine for this task…
…and fine here, too.
Registered agent a.k.a. “agent for service of process” Why? Serve papers Tools: Secretary of State CT Corp. (
Corporate documents Company by-laws, articles of incorp. Why? Amendment of by-laws, etc. Due diligence Tools: Public companies: SEC filings - 10-K Ex. 3 Old filings - commercial SEC sources Private companies: Secretary of State
Financial data Why? Due diligence Is this party judgment-proof? Tools: Public companies: SEC filings (10-K audited, 10-Q unaudited) Private companies: Dun & Bradstreet Business Information Reports
Legal agreements Why? Due diligence – Existing contracts might affect your deal. Forms for other deals Tools: Exhibits to 10-Ks and 10-Qs Use a fee-based service
Recent or ongoing legal activity Litigation, labor disputes, recent deals, environmental issues, real estate transactions, permitting issues Why? Due diligence Marketing Tools: SEC Filings - 10-Q or 10-K “Legal proceedings” section (“material” litigation only); recent 8-Ks News searches Case and docket searches
Other law firms representing them Why? Marketing Competitive intelligence Tools: SEC Filings – ‘33 Act “S” forms, sometimes 8-Ks Courtlink Strategic Profiles Case & docket searches Surveys (ALM & local legal press)
Courtlink Strategic Profiles
Federal courts and some state courts
AIG’s outside counsel in federal civil cases for 1st Q 2009
Formatting options
American Lawyer Media
Must subscribe for full report and data
Similar kind of survey at the local/regional level
Historical stock prices Why? Litigation Tools Free sources WSJ/Big Charts Yahoo! Finance Google Finance Fee-based sources Lexis, Westlaw, some fee-based SEC databases Use for: additional data, older prices, delisted companies