You can do it – Wild Care database By Emma Winders
ENTERING FIELD NAMES Firstly, I entered all of the field names specified and the appropriate data types.
Because the field name ‘Name of Species’ so I changed it to the Data Type ‘Text’ because all of the species names are written in text with no numbers of other characters and so I thought it to be most appropriate. I then kept the indexed as ‘Yes (No Duplicates’ because on the data form it specified for ‘unique data, no duplicates’ ADJUSTING FIELD PROPERTIES – NAME OF SPECIES I then changed the field size to ‘100’ characters as I did not think any ‘names of species’ would excess this amount
ADJUSTING FIELD PROPERTIES - GROUP I changed the ‘Group’ data type lookup wizard in order to create a drop down box as it specified to only allow certain ‘groups’ to be entered I then created a drop down box in order to ensure only the specified groups can be chosen I changed the Field Size to ‘18’ because it definitely fits all the possibilities that could be selected as group.
ADJUSTING FIELD PROPERTIES - LOCATION For the field name ‘Location’ I kept the data type as ‘Text’ to allow the location of the animal in the world to be typed in I then changed the Field Size to ‘30’ as I thought that was a suitable amount of characters for the location to be typed in
ADJUSTING FIELD PROPERTIES - STATUS I chose to add a drop down box in order to allow selection from the 3 answers using ‘Lookup Wizard’. I then entered the Possible answers And successfully created my drop down box to allow selection from the 3 statuses I changed the Field Size to ‘6’ characters as the longest possible status is ‘Orange’ which is 6 characters long
ADJUSTING FIELD PROPERTIES – THREAT I kept the Threat Field name as Data Type ‘Text’ as the specified threats are all letters. I then went on to create my validation rule to allow only specified threats to be entered and I created validation text to ensure if entered wrong the user will be able to correct their mistake. Then I changed the Field Size to ‘1’ character as that is the most characters in the specified threats My finished validation rule and text worked as above.
ADJUSTING FIELD PROPERTIES - WEBLINK For the Field Name ‘Weblink’ I chose the Data Type ‘Hyperlink’ as that was the specified data type I did not change any more information and ensured that the indexed box was selected as ‘No’ to allow duplicates of the same Weblink.
ADJUSTING FIELD PROPERTIES – ADOPTION COST I changed the data type of ‘Adoption Cost’ to ‘Currency’ as was specified for the cost of the adoption. I then changed the amount of decimal places to ‘2’ as specified.
IMPORTING DATA I then imported my data and added it to my current table to ensure the edited field names, data types and validation rules were effective.
Data Entry Form I firstly created my form, and it created an example using the data that I imported into my database I then imported the logo as specified and created a title to label the form appropriately, I also ensured each of my validation rules was still working
Data Entry Form I then inserted a key into my data entry form to allow easy data entry using the codes (so that the codes could be understood and used efficiently) I edited my title to ensure it was completely suitable and also wrote a bit of information about the key so it was useful. I then added images to my form
Data Entry Form I then decided to create a button in order to allowed a new record to be added without confusion I titled it ‘Add new animal’ so it would be easily understood and the instructions would be simple.
Data Entry Form I then created more buttons. To add a new record To go to the next existing record To go to the previous existing record To delete a record To save a new record To print a new record
Data Entry Form This is how each of my buttons proved to be effective
Data Entry Form
Using my Data Entry Form I researched and found 3 new endangered species from the same group to be added to my database. I created new entries with the help of my previously made buttons. ‘The main threat in the past was direct exploitation…Blue whale hunting started in the North Atlantic…populations had been severely reduced’ so I chose the Threat of H for hunting. The Blue Whale was also under the category ‘Endangered’ so I chose Orange as its status for endangered From mammal group
Data Entry Form On the website it said that the Lemur’s Conservation Status was ‘Critically Endangered’ and so I chose Red as its status. As specified on the website the Lemur is threatened due to ‘rapid habitat loss’ and so I chose L as its threat for loss of habitat. From mammal group
Data Entry Form As said on the website ‘global warming’ that is restricting the area of the arctic fox and so I chose C as its threat for Climate change. I chose Blue as its Status because Arctic Foxes still ‘range in the hundred thousands’ in the world so are not as at risk as other animals so I chose a low risk instead. From mammal group