1 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER The EEA’s needs for data and information on transitional, coastal and marine waters - proposed indicators
2 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Background EEA moving from best available to best needed information - Bridging the Gap Streamlining data flows and reduction of reporting burden Policy-relevant indicators covering the DPSIR framework Hierarchical approach to indicator production: datasets indicator systems (thematic, sectoral and socio- economic) headline indicators ETC/WTR developing core set for water
3 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER ETC/WTR work plan includes Development of a core set of indicators for all types of water body, and production of an indicator-based report on water Report on the identification of the overlap between monitoring requirements for the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Conventions with recommendations for rationalising and streamlining monitoring and reporting in coastal and marine waters Combined with report on representative stations EIONET workshop in September 2001
4 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Policy questions To what extent do existing policies and measures serve to reduce critical pressures on the water environment and how is the general state of the water environment improving as a consequence? Are human health standards being met as set down by international water policies and legislation? What is the result of actions to address specific impacts on aquatic ecosystems and are ecological standards being met?
5 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Policy questions What are the impacts of climate change on the water environment How are socio-economic sectors contributing to the sustainable use of water? Are the external costs of water management captured by market prices? Are changes in the quality of water and the water environment contributing to sustainable development and improvements in our overall quality of life?
6 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Issues covered Eutrophication Hazardous substances Organic pollution Ecological quality Groundwater quality Water stress and water use Microbiological pollution Fisheries including mariculture Oil Climate change
7 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Development of core set of indicators for water EUROWATERNET WATERBASE (Marinebase) Other data sources CORE SET OF INDICATORS Inland WatersMarine Waters REPORT ON WATER BASED ON INDICATORS “Background indicators” Societal and socio-economic scenarios (D, P and R) Prospective/ spatial analysis Policy relevance/ effectiveness
8 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Reports for which water indicators are required Core set of indicators Indicator based report on water ESR 2002 TERM and EERM reports Kiev report State and outlook report 2004
9 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Summary of types of indicator
10 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Development of indicators For some not possible to produce an indicator based on fully comparable datasets These will be “demonstrated” in the water indicator report using available, probably regional, datasets Some indicators will also be developed with time as countries adapt monitoring to meet requirements of Water Framework Directive Interim indicators
11 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Driving Force indicators report
12 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Pressures indicators report
13 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER State indicators report
14 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER State indicators report
15 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Impact indicators report
16 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Response indicators report
17 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER EUROWATERNET Update 2001 Rivers, lakes and groundwater bodies Data for use in Water Indicator report, Kiev report etc. Update of BASIC network Start implementation of IMPACT network for rivers and lakes 15 September to 19 November 2001
18 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Data flows for indicators Update of EUROWATERNET for rivers, lakes and groundwater Update of data in MARINEBASE Could include first steps in developing and implementing EUROWATERNET for transitional, coastal and marine waters Requests to other data holders: EUROSTAT, DG Environment, FAO Requests to NRCs: filling in gaps, validation, State of Environment reports
19 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER MARINEBASE - Numbers of stations with nutrient and DO data in seawater
20 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Marinebase update - options National data obtained either from Commissions/ICES if they hold all national data and other required information, and country has given their permission to EEA Supplemented by additional national/ regional data and information if not held in existing international databases Or obtain all data and information from NRCs EUROWATERNET - first steps and piloting
21 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER + : Marine Convention’s data can be accessed by EEA ? : no reply from country n.r: access not requested yet Access by EEA to national data reported to Marine Conventions
22 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Datasets required for transitional, coastal and marine waters
23 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Datasets required for transitional, coastal and marine waters
24 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Datasets required for transitional, coastal and marine waters
25 EUROPEAN TOPIC CENTRE ON WATER Concluding comments ETC/WTR developing policy relevant core set of indicators for water Indicators will be hierarchical and will have defined subsets for use in different reports and for different purposes Datasets for these indicators required from a number of different sources Update of MARINEBASE Development of EUROWATERNET for transitional, coastal and marine waters