March Leadership Webinar March 24, :00-11:30am To access this meeting by voice, please dial , participant code #
Today’s Agenda 1.Welcome and introductions 2.State Board Update 3.Legislative Update 3. FY 16 Renewal Timeline Partnership & Program Accountability Standards Changes Renewal Plan Template 4. 4-K Update 5. Baby Net Update 6.Announcements Check out the “Partnership Resources” page on the SCFS web site 1.FY16 proposed allocations 2.FY16 Partnership and Program Accountability Standards 3.FY16 Renewal Plan documents
FY 16 Renewal Timeline March 19 – State Board Meeting - Review and adoption of proposed FY16 Program Standards and Tentative Partnership Allocations by State BOT March 20 - Renewal Plan Template, FY 16 Standards and Projected Allocations sent out March 24 – Webinar to review Renewal Plan Template April 30 –Data entry completed (as much as possible) May 8 - Final deadline for FY 16 Renewal Plan submission (7 weeks from when sent out) and data entry deadline through April 30 June 1– Final data entry deadline for renewal plan review June 18– State BOT review and renewal plan approval
Proposed FY16 Partnership and Program Accountability Standards Proposed FY16 Partnership and Program Accountability Standards Effective July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 Outline expectations for local First Steps Partnerships regarding programmatic, operational, financial, and administrative activities Updated annually by State Board of Trustees Attached to the grant agreement Organized in two sections: 1.Partnership 2.Program
Conditional Approvals Findings of non-compliance, issued by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation by the State Office, during renewal review Local partnership must submit a compliance plan that includes TA and monitoring. Conditional Approvals are attached to the partnership’s grant agreement as a contractual obligation.
Conditional Approvals Program Standards Performance standards in RED as outlined in the document, Strategy Performance Standards and Data Sources Partnership Standards Fiscal issues as described on p.3 of FY15 Standards Missing deadlines for turning in documents required by law or contractual obligation
Continuous Quality Improvement/Strategic Planning During the review of local partnership Renewal Plans, the State Office of First Steps will provide feedback in order for local partnerships to create Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Plans for the following program year (Section 11. Section (F)). Tentative process: Template under development to include: – Reflection on strategy and partnership performance – Partnership planning based on local needs and resources – Input to the SCFS strategic planning process TA visits to local partnerships: late May – July 2015 Draft plan due Summer 2015 Final plan due ???
FIRST STEPS PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARDS SECTION 1: FIRST STEPS PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARDS GOVERNANCE AND OPERATIONS Additions as per Act 287: 10. Local partnerships shall maintain a current local board roster with contact information on file with SCFS (Section 11. Section (A)). 11. Local partnerships shall submit signed, electronic copies of board minutes for the prior fiscal year to SCFS, on behalf of the state board, by the deadline for submitting partnership Annual Reports (Section 11. Section (A)(8)).
FIRST STEPS PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARDS SECTION 1: FIRST STEPS PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARDS FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY Finance Office will certify available carry-forward per partnership by October 15. Partnerships with FY 15 carry-forward exceeding 15% of their FY16 state allocation must submit a written justification and plan to reduce their amount of carry- forward to 15% or lower by the following fiscal year (FY17). Partnerships whose carry-forward exceeds 15% for two or more fiscal years will be subject to conditional approval and potential withholding of grant funds at the discretion of the First Steps Board of Trustees
PROGRAM ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARDS SECTION 2: PROGRAM ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARDS Partnerships funding home visiting shall work in collaboration with SC First Steps to ensure full compliance with First Steps program standards and national model guidelines. Standards now include attachment of each model’s fidelity requirements for clarity. Detail added to assessment section regarding KIPS and ACIRI
PROGRAM ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARDS SECTION 2: PROGRAM ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARDS Three new risk factors added for targeting:* 1.English is not primary language spoken in the home, when combined with one or more additional risk factors 2.Single parent household and has need of other services 3.Transient/numerous family relocations and/or homeless *Applies to Home Visitation, Family Literacy, Scholarships, CTK, and other strategies that do not have specific targeting criteria per the program model.
PROGRAM ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARDS SECTION 2: PROGRAM ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARDS EARLY IDENTIFICATION AND REFERRAL Serve as a local portal connecting families with young children with suspected delays in development to community-based services Target: any child ages birth to five years with suspected delays in development For child > 34.5 months - referral to the local school district for IDEA Part B services.
PROGRAM ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARDS SECTION 2: PROGRAM ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARDS CHILD CARE QUALITY ENHANCEMENT Definitions of consultation, coaching and mentoring added to align with Evidence Based Best Practice descriptions CHILD CARE TRAINING Partnerships will use the FS online data collection system to track follow-up visits and other consultation activities with child care providers.
FY16 RENEWAL PLAN Major changes from prior years: Shorter template (APPLAUSE) Fewer attachments No carry-forward in the Renewal BSP No extensions on May 8 deadline Quick turnaround (recommendations to P&G Committee May 22) Different review process by SCFS TAs Heavier reliance on DATA, particularly data entered in the First Steps Data System
“ Strategy Performance Standards and Data Sources” What is it? Reference document listing all data points SCFS will be reviewing for strategy approvals Data Sources: includes locations in the FSDC (screens, reports) that SCFS TAs will be checking to determine if the performance standard was met Organized by strategy type (home visitation, QE, etc.) Standards in RED = conditional approvals if not met, or if data doesn’t show standard was met Section for “Other” (formerly Non-Prevalent) strategies to summarize their strategy goals, objectives, outcome measures and data sources (preview document)
Know thy data, and where thy data liveth … Complete and accurate data in the FSDC is required. Renewal signature page certifies that local board reviewed data points referenced in the “ Performance Standards and Data Sources” document. Data must be entered by: May 8: all data through April 30 For TAs to review performance standards June 1: all data through May 31 Final deadline to enter visits and assessments
Know thy data, and where thy data liveth … NEED HELP? NOW’S THE TIME TO ASK. SCFS staff will not have time during renewal plan review to ask you to enter, or fix, data.
Renewal Plan Template Application (template provided) Budget Spending Plan Attachments: Signed signature page Signed fiscal signatories page Signed BSP Board minutes reflecting action taken on the following: renewal plan approval, BSP approval, data review, fiscal signatories, resource development plan/donation acceptance Resource Development Plan Letters from school districts, if applicable
Renewal Plan Template Same as/similar to last year: Signature Page Discontinued Strategies Child Care Training Summary Governance Resource Development Fiscal Signatories What’s changed: Strategy Tables (deleted), replaced by Strategy Summary Other/Non-Prevalent Strategy Form (preview document)
Budget Spending Plan Updates NO carryforward (Fund 56) may be budgeted in your Renewal BSP. Fund 11 should be spent by 6/30/15. Mileage: state rate will be $0.575 per mile starting July 1, Reflect new rate in your calculations and your budget narratives. Payroll Taxes: If your payroll includes pretax deductions for withholding amounts for benefits such as retirement, medical savings accounts, and others, your payroll taxes will likely be lower. To fix: Do not change this reference formula. Lower this percentage to generate a lower budget amount for payroll taxes.
4K Updates
Term 1.Informational meetings at county level 2.Webinars- sign up link on our website Academy 2015 July Sessions for TAs Sessions for EDs?
ANNOUNCEMENTS Read-In TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2015 BOOKS ON PARADE at the 2015 SC Read-In! Bring your favorite book to read on the State House grounds after the event. Register by April Celebrate NAEYC's Week of the Young Child™ April 12 –18, 2015 Partnership Board Meeting – Columbia CTK Planning Send preliminary count to Samantha Ingram Toolkit order forms and CTK fax back forms sent out 3/20/15 Other Announcements – news from the partnerships
2015 Calendar March 26 th, 1:00 PM – First Steps Study Committee, State House Grounds, 110 Blatt Building (audio and video streaming available at Senate Meeting Schedule) April 14 th, 1:00 to 4:00 PM - Board To Board Dialogue and Planning Session (First Baptist Church, Columbia) Statewide ED Meeting Dates – March 5, Thursday – May 14, Thursday – September 10, Thursday – November 19, Thursday June 18 th, 2:00 PM - First Steps State Board Meeting