Enforcement of EU legislation Expectations of EU Citizens and Non-Governmental Organisations Sonja Van Tichelen Director Eurogroup for Animals
European federation representing 40 national and international member organisations 30 years experience working on introduction, implementation and enforcement of EU animal welfare laws Farm animals, wildlife protection, animals used in research, companion animals,…
Expectations of EU Citizens and Non-Governmental Organisations New approach needed Role of NGOs in enforcement Tools, measures and partnerships in an enforcement strategy = animal cruelty, suffering unacceptable
Enforcement of EU legislation New approach needed Control resources will not increase European Court process ??? Minimum standards not sufficient Gather collective resources and expertise – support private sector example: Beter Leven scheme
Role of NGO’s in enforcement Transport Investigations: Animals Angels, Dierenbescherming, RSPCA, … Training of police: Italy, France, Belgium Production of guidelines and tools Farming Pig housing and routine mutilations: CIWF- Danish Dyrenes Beskyttelse Aid el Kebir: RSPCA
Role of NGO’s in enforcement (2) Slaughter Slaughter training by RSPCA : Bulgaria, Turkey, Spain Welfare of food animals by RSPCA : Portugal, Western Balkans Wildlife Zoo implementation: Eurogroup Zoo enforcement: Born Free Illegal Wildlife traded on internet: IFAW Enforcement training for customs: IFAW trained 1200 customs officers and cooperates and funds Interpol
Role of NGO’s in enforcement (2) Animal testing Implementation status of new EU law: Eurogroup Cosmetics: sale of Chinese cosmetics : Proefdiervrij REACH : examine testing proposals: ECEAE
Tools, measures and partnerships Data collection and monitoring Cooperation and partnerships Training and information Skilled and sufficient inspectorate Responsibility to the sector – self regulation Use of incentives – subsidies – cross compliance Use of technology, innovation
…the recently-adopted Regulation on Electronic Reporting Systems and Remote Sensing technologies means that, once again, the EU will lead the world in making real-time reporting and monitoring a practical reality. Most importantly, the creation of the Community Agency for Fisheries Control in 2006 is destined to radically change the way in which the national inspection services of the EU work together, by coordinating cross-border collaboration with the help of Community inspectors drawn from the Member States To ensure an effective control, Member States should operate a vessel monitoring system and fishing vessels of 12 meters’ length overall or more should be equipped with a device allowing Member States to automatically locate and identify those vessels. Fisheries policy
Use of technology Ideal for documenting storage and transport conditions of temperature sensitive products. Compact, single-use, in-transit data logger
The traditional view of enforcement of consumer protection has been that public authorities apply hard law. Today, alternatives exist … Consumer policy An effective enforcement response combines activities which promote compliance through information of consumers and businesses, with more formal enforcement measures Co-regulation and self-regulatory measures can both reinforce the industry's commitment to secure a high level of compliance
IMPEL European Network for the implementation and enforcement of environmental law The network is committed to contribute to a more effective application of EU environmental law by capacity building, awareness raising, sharing good practices, providing guidance and tools, enforcement cooperation and giving feed back to lawmakers and regulators on the practicability and enforceability of environmental legislation. Environment policy DG Environment : transposition animal experimentation Directive
A new approach needed for animal welfare enforcement Partnerships : Public /Private/NGOs New Tools and Technology Best practice in enforcement structure New Policy measures or policy mix - CAP funding or state aid