A Balanced Scorecard is a Process Not Numbers MID ATLANTIC EDUCAUSE 2005 Saint Michael’s College Bill Anderson – Chief Information Officer Billie Miles – Director of IT © Bill Anderson and Billie Miles, This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared fro non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors.
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause Here we go… CIO gained support by offering IT as the BSC pioneers. This support resulted in funding that allowed us to work with outside resources Partnership with Datatel – Donna Taylor and Ken Rice from the Center for Excellence Kathie Gilbert – Special Assistant for Quality Initiatives - WNMU was our Quality Stewart Bill and Billie - IT leadership committed to the project IT staff – eager and willing
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause The steps 1. Project Plan developed by the CIO, IT Director, and the consulting team 2. First meeting with our quality steward 3. Second meeting with our quality steward 4. “Baby” steps
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause Step 1 - The project plan The plan detailed: Anticipated benefits Target date for implementation (July 2003) Roles and responsibilities Action plan – included estimated times and delivery methods
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause Step 2 - First meeting with the quality steward The action plan called for collecting feedback from the constituents served by IT. The goal was to clarify perceptions and to collect base information. Preparation Our quality steward worked with us to create a customer satisfaction survey and we scheduled focus group meetings for the first day of the visit. Activities Day one – focus groups and discussion of IT “history” Day two – CQI and BSC intros for IT staff Day three – CIO, IT Director and Quality Steward plan next steps Outcomes from the visit Survey analysis Focus groups reports
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause Step 3 – Second meeting with the quality steward Preparation Staff discussion of survey and focus group results Work with IT staff to generate Mission/vision statements, and we did an IT slogan exercise (We’re IT) Activities Day one – more BSC training, measurement, strategy exercises, one on one Interviews with IT staff Day two - scorecard design, customer service, more interviews, summarized workshop materials and met with the President (30 minutes) Day Three – Debrief with CIO and IT Director – lots of work left to do! Outcomes of this visit Report Selected short term goals and measurements
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause Step 4 – “Baby” steps Next steps identified and assigned to the CIO and IT Director 1. Complete two staff development trainings 2. Begin regular evaluation and performance measurement 3. Develop Helpdesk measures for the BSC 4. Make IT work more visible on campus Long term goal – develop the permanent scorecard, make data collection, review and continuous improvement part of the culture
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause The scorecard The four quadrants: 1. Customer measures – goal: Improve customer satisfaction scores 2. Financial measures – goal: improve operational effectiveness 3. Internal measures (service delivery) – goal: improve operational efficiency 4. Learning and growth measures – goal: increase staff and end user training opportunities Each work group (there are 5) is developing measures in these four areas. These will roll-up into a department scorecard.
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause Original Goals – 4/2003 Focus on Service Quality Technology in Teaching Align day-to-day work with V-2010 Top 3 strategic objectives & perspectives selected 1. Improve customer satisfaction 2. Improve Operational Efficiency 3. Provide User Education & IT Professional Development
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause Modified Goals – 6/2004 Results of 2004 Customer Satisfaction Survey - we added improvement picks Responsiveness to request for new software Usefulness of responses Web mail Use and support of classroom technology
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause Departmental Level Scorecard First pass in December 2004 Work in progress Evolving toward: More customer feedback measures Higher level of abstraction ( letter grades?) Need to integrate this into the way leaders do business External benchmarks
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause Building on what we’ve got Another level of detail Accuracy of “data entry” Add 1 measure – address usefulness
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause Lessons So Far Change is hard Unplanned pushes out the planned We have met the enemy and he is us Ready Fire Aim - It’s better to do something and adjust than to fail to act for lack of the perfect plan. Must connect the dots Change the IT focus – customers not gadgets
Saint Michael's College - Mid-Atlantic Educause What’s next? CIO and Director - measures versus process Quality steward is going to visit in April Our 2 year anniversary Our “official” scorecard presentations began in January 2004 Training – maybe more effective now that we have some ‘hands-on’ experience. Make better use of the helpdesk software – we are going to re- launch the product. Use it as a department tool, rather than just for the Helpdesk.