August 21, 2014 Agenda for Today 1.Roll 2.Check for supplies 3.Textbooks and Trash 4.Setting up your Science Notebook a. Number Pages b. Title Page c. Page d. Rubric 5. Review and Questions Do not touch the textbooks or the trashcans until told to do so!!!
Trash Rules 1.All trash will go into the containers that are at each station. 2.The cans are numbered. Make sure that you put your trash into the one with the same number as your group. 3.At clean up time, the orginizer will empty the small trash can into the large trash can by the back door. 4.Please do not abuse this privilege or break my trash cans. If there is a problem you will have to put your trash into your backpacks and empty them at the end of the period in the cans outside.
Supplies Rules 1.Never take any of Mr. Elsmore’s supplies home. 2.Suppliers make sure all the supplies are returned to the box and returned to the back of the room at clean up time. 3.Make sure all the caps are on the glue and the markers. 4.Be nice to Mr. Elsmore’s supplies. These are my personal supplies, the school did not buy them. They can be taken away if abused and you will get to draw with a pencil or your own supplies. 5.I will be checking to make sure the supplies are all returned to the box.
Setting Up Your Science Notebook It is important that you are organized in order to be successful in 6th Grade Earth Science
Step Number One All the Pages in your notebook will be numbered 1. Glue your Group Responsibilities page on the front inside cover. 2. Number the first lined paper “1” in the right lower corner. 3. Turn the page over and number it “2” on the left lower corner. 4. Keep numbering until you get to page number “20” Page 2 Page 3 Page 1
Step Number Two 1.Put on page 2 Mr. Elsmore’s address down in case you miss a day of school and need to get your assignments. The Address is 2. Cut out the rubric. (If you don’t have your scissors, you can fold and tear.) 3. Glue the Rubrics on Page 3
How to Write Your Goal On the Bottom of Page 2 My Goal for the 6 th Grade__________ Name: Mr. Elsmore_______________________ Period: 0_______________________________ Goal: I will do everything possible to get an “A” in all of my classes.________________________ ______________________________________
Step Number Three On page number one you will be drawing a picture that represents what Earth Science is to you. 1. You will draw this on a separate piece of paper and then glue it in on to page number one (Make sure you trim the page before you start to draw). 2. Your Name, Period and Course Name (Earth Science) must be on this page. 3. You must have at least two different objects. 4. You must use at least four different colors. (Black and White do not count as a color)