Sandro Botticelli By: Jessica Coughlin
Birth name: Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi -Birth date: c Death date: May 17, 1510
Sandro Botticelli was a goldsmith and then became a master painter. Sandro was trained by his brother Antonio. Began training with Fra Filippo Lippi. He has at least 257 paintings total.
Botticelli was well know in Florence for his art. This painting is called “The Birth of Venus”. It’s current location is in Florence, Italy. It was painted around This painting portrays the aftermath of Venus’ creation.
“Primavera” (A.K.A. Allegory of Spring) Renaissance art. Religious painting Facial expressions In motion Clothed Real people Light and shadows Lots of nature detail Symmetrical Made in c. 1482
Works Cited "Botticelli - The Complete Works." Botticelli - The Complete Works. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr "Primavera (painting)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Mar Web. 03 Apr "World Biography." Sandro Botticelli Biography. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr