Sonnet : Definition A romantic poem 14 lines Must have rhyme scheme Compares two things Contains a Volta or Turn (But Phrase)
Sonnet Style Iambic Pentameter Pentameter Iamb 5 beats Iamb Stressed/Unstressed Syllable pairs When in disgrace with Fortune and men’s eyes
Types of Sonnets Italian (Petrarchan) Sonnet Spenserian Sonnet English (Shakespearean) Sonnet
The Italian Sonnet Divided into two sections Octave (8 Lines) Sestet (6 Lines) The Volta will usually be located on Line #9
Italian Sonnet Cont. Rhyme scheme Octave Sestet A B B A A B B A No set rhyme scheme (multiple variations available)
Spenserian Sonnet Divided in to 4 sections 3 Quatrains (4 lines each) 1 Couplet (2 lines) The Volta is still usually located on line 9
Spenserian Sonnet Cont. Rhyme Scheme A B A B B C B C C D C D E E
Shakespearean Sonnet Divided the same as a Spenserian Sonnet 3 Quatrains (4 lines each) 1 Couplet (2 lines) The Volta moves around more in this type of sonnet than in any other.
Shakespearean Sonnet Cont. Spenserian A B A B B C B C C D C D E E Rhyme Scheme A B A B C D C D E F E F G G