Our Call to Holiness
On Earth, God listens to our prayers Responds to us with love, mercy and compassion Gives us sanctifying grace In Heaven God offers us a new life in heaven, perfect, unending, in the presence of the Trinity, “Beatific Vision” Source and fulfillment God is the source of our desire for him and our happiness is complete when we are in Him
Lost Because of original sin, humanity is in need of redemption (the price for our freedom must be paid) Restored Through Jesus’ Incarnation, death and Resurrection we are redeemed. (Jesus paid the price to set us free) He gave his life for ALL This renewed relationship with God brings us joy and happiness. Happiness through the Beatitudes
Children and Heirs We become freely adopted sons and daughters of God Our relationship to each other becomes one of equality among all believers Role of Grace A freely offered gift of God Cannot be earned or deserved Helps us to respond to God’s call in a way that is worthy of a child of God
Share in the Resurrection: When we die with Jesus in Baptism we then also rise with Jesus in his resurrection Promised to everyone (Matthew 20: 1-16) Final Judgment (Matthew 25: 31-46) Heaven Perfect life in the presence and communion of the Trinity The state of supreme, definitive happiness where our deepest longings will be fulfilled Accessible to all people who die in God’s grace and friendship, have been faithful to the divine will and who are perfectly purified Those who need purification will experience cleansing in Purgatory, a place of purification before entering heaven Hell The state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed. Eternal separation from God
Luke 11: 5-8, 18: 1-8 Perseverance in prayer Pray without getting weary, tired Matthew 6: 5-14 Hypocrisy
To Pray To follow Jesus’ teachings To seek the “Kingdom of God” A new social order of unconditional love where God rules over the hearts if people. The fullness of the kingdom will not be reached until the end of time, but a taste of it is possible now. To ask for forgiveness To focus on love Of God Of neighbor Keep our eye on our ultimate destiny