You and Your Liver Amy V. Kindrick, M.D., M.P.H.
Hepatitis is a disease of the: Brain Heart Liver Intestines
Hepatitis C Is Caused By: A virus A bacteria A genetic defect Alcoholism
Hepatitis C Infects: More people than HIV The same number of people as HIV Fewer people than HIV
Hepatitis C can be life threatening True False
There is a vaccine for hepatitis C True False
Hepatitis C can be spread by: Contaminated food or water Blood transfusions Needle sharing Tattooing and body piercing Direct contact with blood (cuts, eg.) Touching a person with hepatitis C Sexual activity
How many people with hepatitis C will develop chronic liver disease? All About 20% About 50% Between 80% and 90%
Where is My Liver?
Normal Liver
Normal Liver and Gall Bladder
The Liver Purifies Your System
What Is Hepatitis? Infection or irritation in the liver Causes –Viruses –Medications –Toxins
Is There Only One Kind of Hepatitis?
What Is Hepatitis C? Caused by a virus in the blood of people with Hepatitis C Damaging to the liver Spread by contact with the blood of an infected person
<1 % 1–2.4 % 2.5–4.9 % 5–10 % > 10 % No data available
The Hepatitis C Virus
How Did I Get Hepatitis C?
Groups of People at Risk For Hepatitis C Vets (especially Viet Nam) Cesarean section before 1990 Mother with hepatitis C before delivery Unexplained illness in infancy Alcoholic HIV-infected Hepatitis B-infected Prison inmates
You Can’t Get Hepatitis C From Breast feeding Sneezing Hugging Coughing Sharing cups or eating utensils Food or water Casual contact
How Do I Know If I’m At Risk For Hepatitis C? Ask your health care provider for a test if you –Were told that you received blood from a donor who later tested positive for hep C –Received a blood transfusion or solid organ transplant before July 1992 –Received blood products before 1987 –Have ever injected drugs (even once) –Have abnormal blood tests for liver function
What Are the Symptoms of Acute Hepatitis C? Maybe none Some or all of the following –Headache –Nausea –Vomiting –Abdominal pain –Jaundice –Weakness and fatigue –Gray stool –Dark urine
What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Hepatitis C? Often none Fatigue Cirrhosis –Weight loss –Jaundice –Swollen legs and abdomen –Nausea and vomiting
Healthy Liver
Liver with Cirrhosis
What Happens If I Get Cirrhosis?
Esophageal Varices
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
How Can I Keep From Getting Hepatitis C? Don’t share needles, works, or straws Don’t share razors, manicure tools, or toothbrushes Wash hands before and after shooting Avoid contact with anyone else’s blood Use clean needles every time Use condoms every time you have sex
How Can I Take Care of My Liver? NO ALCOHOL See your provider regularly Be careful with medications –Tylenol –Aspirin –Some herbs, vitamins and supplements Get vaccinated against Hepatitis A & B
Are Vitamins Always Healthy?
How Can I Protect Others? Don’t donate blood, tissue, or sperm Clean up spilled blood with a strong disinfectant, and keep skin injuries bandaged Don't share razors, toothbrushes, pierced earrings, or other personal items with anyone Use condoms if you have multiple sexual partners, or when having sex with an infected person Don't share chewing gum or pre-chew food for a baby
Make certain any needles or other sharp implements for drugs, ear piercing, manicuring or tattooing are properly sterilized (with bleach for 30 seconds twice)
What If I’m Pregnant? 5 out of every 100 babies born to mothers with Hep C will be infected Infection usually occurs around the time of birth There is no treatment to prevent transmission
Are There Any Treatments for Hepatitis C?
What Else Can I Do?