Summary Next Steps April 28-30, 2005 Omni Hotel at CNN Center Atlanta, GA
TM Conference Proceedings InfantChildTeenAdultSenior ● Full text on IQLM web-site – ● Highlights on Medscape from WebMD ● Updates in IQLM Newsletter
TM Complete incorporation Bylaws Board of Directors Board of Directors meeting Continue work on: Quality indicators evaluation Networks to collect timely information Development/Posting of National Report Items Continue newsletter and Improve Web-site Develop research and mentoring programs Action Items for IQLM
TM Series of Conferences with NQF 1. What Quality Laboratory Services Mean to 260+ organizations in NQF – Target What Quality Indicators/Performance Measures would be useful to assess laboratory service quality – Target What is the utility of tests currently used in laboratory services – Target What are appropriate incentives for quality laboratory services – Target 2006 Action Items for IQLM/NQF
TM Develop projects to work on priorities identified at partner meetings – Approved by BOD Translate results of What Quality Laboratory Services Mean Develop mentoring program for laboratory service providers Foster sharing of best practices across health care system Action Items for IQLM Partner Councils
Contribute to process for identifying and transferring best practices Contribute to research program for improving laboratory services Improve communications, collaboration among all participants in laboratory services including patients Translate good ideas into practice Action Items for IQLM Partner Councils
TM Become part of IQLM - Help create a new culture Incorporate best practices Assist with the research program trying to find ways to improve laboratory services Promote improved communication and collaboration especially with patients Action Items for Institutions and Individuals
TM Develop indicators and monitor progress Develop networks of laboratories and partners Create an awards and grants program Identify issues and best practices Institute for Quality in Laboratory Medicine Research Mentoring and Implementing Conferences and Pilot Studies Promote and Facilitate
TM Institute for Quality in Laboratory Medicine Promoting an Integrated System of Services within and across boundaries Within institutions Across boundaries of public / private organizations Pre-analytic Analytic Post-Analytic
TM Laboratory Professionals Clinicians Patients Manufacturers Government Accrediting Bodies Improve Laboratory Testing and Services Institute for Quality in Laboratory Medicine Teamwork Payers
TM Individuals – participate in IQLM activities locally Organizations – sponsor projects/activities and offer financial or in kind support CDC seed funding for next two years and technical assistance – need additional support Projects and Next conference – Determined by BOD
Acknowledgements – Great people everywhere Resources - ? Collaborate – We know what to do, let’s do it Communicate - Share what works & teach others Take Home – Spirit of cooperation, commitment
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