By Madison, Megan & Bibi
The Basics Of Social Networks Signs and Symptoms How & Where to get help
Networking has been around since before and Facebook. The media we know today started in the 1970’s. With different and much slower versions of what we have today
Social Networks Bookmarking Sites Social News Media Sharing Microblogging Blog Comments and Forums
Places on the internet where you can connect with people
Places where they allow you to save, manage and organize links to various websites around the web
Allows people to post various news, items or links for people to vote on
Allows you to upload and share various media such as pictures and videos
Focus on short updates The most popular is Twitter
Forums allow members to hold conversations by posting messages Blog comments are the same except that they are attached to a blog and the discussions are usually about whatever is on the blog There are many different types of this
Always feel the urge to check phones or social networking sites every few minutes.
The person shortens phrases and words
Going on a social networking site to forget about you problems and your grades and life style are affected by your addiction.
You tend to freak out if the website is down or if you haven’t been on the site in a period of time.
If you are addicted to Facebook here’s what you do: Try Facebook block software Get help from your friends Deactivate Facebook Delete Facebook Limit yourself if you are addicted to Facebook: Where you can go to get help: ◦ Hospital Programs ◦ Get help for friends ◦ Allow your family to help
Social media has impacted the world in positive and negative. Treatment of social media addiction can be difficult, but it is not impossible Treatment is like for any other addiction. Medication maybe necessary. There help addiction people to find new ways to cope the time up.
Some of the popular sites you can go on include: These social sites normally feature blogs discussion broads, galleries, links to the latest news, articles and useful resources on addiction recovery program