95 thesis tacked on Castle Church in Wittenburg, Germany - Oct 31, Luther was trying to “reform” the Catholic Church. Lutheran was a derogatory term at first. Luther did not want his movement to be named after him. Lutheranism spread into Scandinavia. Introduction and History
The Lutheran Church The Bible Originally they believed it to be the only source of divinely revealed knowledge. During the 1700’s “rationalism” advocated reason rather than authority of the Bible. During the 1800’s confessional revival reemphasized the Bible’s authority. Today they disagree about the Bible. What do Lutherans believe about:
The Lutheran Church The Bible – Inspiration & Authority The official belief is that every word of it is from God and not man. What Lutheran’s really believe: 30% - Word for word it is from God: taken literally 40% - It’s God’s word but not literally true 23% - It was written by men and not from God 7% - Did not know or were not sure What do Lutherans believe about:
The Lutheran Church The Bible – Clarity Everyone can read and understand it The Bible – Sufficiency Originally they believed it contained everything one needs for salvation. It doesn’t need pronouncements of the Pope, new revelations, or new doctrines. What do Lutherans believe about:
The Lutheran Church The Bible – Law and Gospel Lutherans believe the Bible contains two distinct types of content. Law & Gospel. What does the Bible say? God speaks to us through Christ – Heb 1:1-2 God’s scripture makes man perfect – II Tim 3:16-17 Whoever reads it can understand it – Eph 4:3 We will be judged by its words – John 12:48 What do Lutherans believe about:
The Lutheran Church Lutheran Confessions The Book of Concord is authoritative. Not all 10 documents in the Book of Concord are accepted by all Lutherans. What does the Bible say? Those who add or take away from God’s word will be punished – Rev 22:18-19 God’s word judges us not man’s – John 12:48 What do Lutherans believe about:
The Lutheran Church Justification Man is saved from their sins by God’s grace alone, through faith alone. Man cannot do anything worthy of salvation. Man receives this salvation from God through faith put into his heart by God. What do Lutherans believe about:
The Lutheran Church Justification What does the Bible Say? “Original sin of Adam” is not passed down – Ezek 18:19-20 All are sinners because all sin – Rom 3:23; 5:12 Faith alone will not save us – James 2:24 What do Lutherans believe about:
The Lutheran Church Trinity They believe God is made up of three distinct persons – The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit Two natures of Christ They believe Jesus was both God and man. He came to save man from original sin and actual sin. What do Lutherans believe about:
The Lutheran Church What does the Bible say about why Jesus came? Christ came to take away the sins of the world - John 1:29 He did not die to remove “original sin” because there is no such thing. What do Lutherans believe about:
The Lutheran Church Sacraments Unlike the Catholic church that believe there are 7 sacraments the Lutherans believe there are 2 sacraments – Baptism and Holy Communion. They believe they are “things” administered by their church. What does the Bible say? Sacraments are not specifically mentioned. They are not things “the church” administers. What do Lutherans believe about:
The Lutheran Church Baptism It is the saving work of God. Infants and Adults are its candidates. What does the Bible say? God’s part of salvation is his grace – John 1:17; Titus 2:11 and Eph 2:5 Our part is an obedient faith – Acts 2:38; Rom 10:17; 10:10 and I Pet 3:21 What do Lutherans believe about:
The Lutheran Church Eucharist They believe as do the Catholics that the bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Christ. What does the Bible say? The purpose is to remember Christ. (I Cor 11) They are to represent and not become his flesh and blood. (Figurative language used as in John 15:1) What do Lutherans believe about:
The Lutheran Church Conversion and Predestination God wants all men to be saved. Man cannot do anything worthy of salvation. Salvation is by God’s act alone. Those who are saved are those who believe. They reject the Calvinist ideas of predestination. What do Lutherans believe about:
The Lutheran Church Conversion and Predestination What does the Bible say? Jesus and the apostles were asked “What must I do to be saved or inherit eternal life?” They gave answers that requires action on the part of the believer. (Matt 7:21-24; 19:16; Acts 2:37-38; 9:6; 16:30) What do Lutherans believe about:
The Lutheran Church Judgment and eternal life They do not believe in an earthly millennial kingdom of Christ either before or after his return. On the last day all will be resurrected. Christ will judge all and they will receive either eternal life or eternal damnation. What do Lutherans believe about:
The Lutheran Church Lutherans place great emphasis on “standardized order of events.” In the 1970’s many Lutheran churches began holding “contemporary” worship services.” Liturgy
The Lutheran Church Presently Lutherans are divided over how to interact with other Christian denominations. Some assert that everyone must share the same belief on all issues. Other Lutherans practice to varying degrees open communion and allowing preachers from other denominations in their pulpits. Fellowship with other beliefs