Jen Kramer JS Summit November 19, 2013
Grounding in mobile techniques Background on responsive design Introduce Bootstrap and Foundation Compare Bootstrap and Foundation Declare a winner!!!
Build a separate mobile-compatible website or mobile app (or both) Responsive Design A comparison of methods for building mobile-optimized websites A comparison of methods for building mobile-optimized websites
Defined by three characteristics o Flexible grid-based layout o Images that resize o Media queries (CSS3) design/ design/
Images should change size, based on screen resolution o Load a big image and let it scale (not good) o Server-side (good) o Client-side: Load several images and display the one right for this resolution (not good) o Client-side: let JavaScript decide (better)
Browser reports screen resolution Based on current width, serve a stylesheet with layout for that width No JavaScript involved
While the back-end world has been developing tools and API’s, the front-end world has been custom or off-the- shelf. There has been no middle ground.
Some of the work is done for you – including debugging! You can still customize what you get. It doesn’t have to look like a Bootstrap/Foundation site. The code may be more than you would create custom… but how much time/money did you save? 15 More Responsive CSS Frameworks Worth Considering
I am a author, and I have recorded video training titles on both frameworks. I am currently writing a book on Bootstrap 3. I do not work for or contribute to the coding of either project. I have no insight into either project other than what’s publicly available for both projects. I think both frameworks are awesome and amazing in their own right and are appropriate for different situations and different skillsets.
Jen’s spreadsheet comparing Bootstrap and Foundation Jen’s spreadsheet comparing Bootstrap and Foundation Based on documentation sites for Bootstrap and Foundation.
Twitter Bootstrap is the most popular responsive design framework for building web sites and web applications. It is the most popular project in GitHub and is used by NASA and MSNBC among others.GitHubNASA MSNBC
A fully functional grid system with 4 different sizes. Base CSS includes standardized styling for forms, buttons, images, headings, navigation systems, etc. CSS customization through LESS CSS jQuery-driven components include dropdown menus, tooltips, popovers, alerts, image carousel, accordion panels, etc. Optional icon font for incorporating vector images, distributed with Bootstrap, 180 icons Optional icon font Distributed under Apache 2, copyright 2013 Twitter (moving to MIT)
ZURB Foundation is an easy to use, powerful, and flexible framework for building prototypes and production code on any kind of device. It is the 13th most starred project in all of GitHub and is used by National Geographic Education, PBS, and Pixar Projection.
A fully functional grid system with 3 different sizes plus a block grid. Base CSS includes standardized styling for forms, buttons, images, headings, navigation systems, etc. CSS customization via Sass and Compass jQuery-driven components include dropdown menus, tooltips, popovers, image carousel, site tour, etc. Custom icon font for incorporating vector images available as a separate download Custom icon font Distributed under MIT license
23 BootstrapFoundation Started by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton, while working at Twitter, as internal tool Released Bootstrap in 2011 Otto & Thornton left Twitter in 2012 Otto is now in charge of the open source project and is adding core team members. ZURB is a 30-person web development company in Campbell, CA Created Foundation to build client websites Mark Otto worked here until 2007 When ZURB saw how well Bootstrap was doing, they released Foundation as an open source project.
24 BootstrapFoundation Strictly open source community, with Otto as benevolent dictator With a company behind this framework, tech support is available, as well as in-person and online training
25 Bootstrap Latest versions of: Chrome (Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android) Safari (Mac and iOS only, as Windows has more or less been discontinued) Firefox (Mac, Windows) Opera (Mac, Windows) IE 9 and 10. IE 8 supported with respond.js Foundation Latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari iOS (iPhone and iPad) Android 2, 4 (tablet and phone) Windows Phone 7+ Surface IE 9 and 10. IE 8 supported with additional grid code (provided on site as a gist)
27 Bootstrap Some effort put into accessibility improvements Includes the Aria codes, screen reader only styles Joomla has pushed for accessibility since Bootstrap is incorporated in the version 3 CMS Foundation
28 Bootstrap 4 grid system: o Extra small always stays horizontal o Small, medium, large grids stack after breakpoint Foundation 3 grid system: o Small always stays horizontal o Medium, large grids stack after breakpoint Can center columns on the page
29 Bootstrap There is a TON of stuff that’s styled No right-to-left support Specific to Bootstrap: o Jumbotron o Media object o Media List o Well Foundation In general there is LESS styling out of the box o But that’s less to override later Right-to-left support Specific to Foundation: o Pricing Tables o Keystrokes
30 Bootstrap LESS CSS Not much LESS documentation on Bootstrap site Less of an expectation that you will work with LESS No official training available Foundation Sass plus Compass (can run without Compass) Extensive Sass documentation Expectation that you will style with Sass ZURB offers training for working with Sass (and Foundation)
31 Bootstrap Affix: fixes element in place while page scrolls ScrollSpy: Updates nav bar with current position on page Foundation HTML5 form validation library (Abide) Responsive lightbox (Clearing) Site tour (Joyride) Responsive image scheme: Interchange loads correct individual image for screen resolution, including Retina images
32 Bootstrap Carousel Foundation Orbit
33 Bootstrap CarouselFoundation Orbit $(document).foundation('orbit', { animation: 'fade', timer_speed: 10000, pause_on_hover: true, resume_on_mouseout: false, animation_speed: 500, stack_on_small: true, navigation_arrows: true, slide_number: true, container_class: 'orbit-container', stack_on_small_class: 'orbit-stack-on-small', next_class: 'orbit-next', prev_class: 'orbit-prev', timer_container_class: 'orbit-timer', timer_paused_class: 'paused', timer_progress_class: 'orbit-progress', slides_container_class: 'orbit-slides-container', bullets_container_class: 'orbit-bullets', bullets_active_class: 'active', slide_number_class: 'orbit-slide-number', caption_class: 'orbit-caption', active_slide_class: 'active', orbit_transition_class: 'orbit-transitioning', bullets: true, timer: true, next_on_click: false, variable_height: false, before_slide_change: function(){}, after_slide_change: function(){} }); 6 methods 2 events 3 data- options
34 BootstrapFoundation
You need lots of styling out of the box, without lots of changes. You love LESS CSS. You’re OK with a strictly open source project. You need one of the unique JS/CSS characteristics. You hate semicolons in your JavaScript/you hate JS.
You don’t want a ton of styling you have to override later. You love Sass/Compass. You need tech support and/or training. You need one of the unique JS/CSS characteristics. You love semicolons in your JavaScript/you love JS.
Jen Kramer Waltham, MA Phone: Twitter: Facebook: Slides available at 4web