Team composition & roles and responsibilities Quick Feed Project
Site and tool teams 3 site teams one for each project site 4 tool teams one each Livelihood, FEAST, TechFit and VCA
Site team: Kulumsa ARC Project site and focus: Bekoji Negeso (kebele), Limu Bilbilo (woreda), Arsi (zone) Dairy cows Project team: Mesay Yami (socio-economics) - Team Leader Teklemedhin Teklehaimanot (fodder and livestock) Tarekegu Itana (technician, socio-economics) Eshetu Lemma (technician, socio-economics)
Site team: Sinana ARC Project site and focus: Selka Bekeye (sub kebele), Selka (kebele), Sinana (woreda), Bale (zone) Sheep production Project team : Dawit Abate (feeds unit) – Team Leader Sultan Osman (socio-economics) Teklu Wagi (technician, feeds unit) Aliye Kedu (technician, feeds unit) Sisaye Belete (technician, feeds unit)
Site team: Bako ARC Project site and focus: XXX (kebele), XXX (wareda), Bako (zone) – to be confirmed by Aynalem and Abate Sheep production Project team: - to be confirmed by Aynalem and Abate Gemeda Duguma (sheep production) – Team Leader Kifle XXX (socio-economist) Alemayehu Kumsa (feeds) XXXX (technician)
Tool teams Livelihood tool development - at Arsi Peter Thorne – Team Leader Amare Haileslassie Gerba Leta Arsi site team FEAST (all sites) Jane Wamatu, ICARDA – Team Leader Abate Tedla Adugna Tolera (back-stopping) Site teams
Tool teams (#2) TechFit (all sites) Adugna Tolera– Team Leader Abate Tedla Jane Wamatu (back-stopping) Site teams Value Chain Analysis (all sites) Getachew Legesse – Team Leader Aynalem Haile, ICARDA Site teams
Roles and responsibilities Aynalem Haile, ICARDA Co-project leader with oversight of project activities? Member of the VCA team, participate in field work and provide animal science expertise With Abate, travel to Bako ARC to discuss the project with the Center Director and identify a suitable project site
Jane Wamatu Team leader for FEAST with responsibility for implementation and reporting of FEAST results at the 3 project sites (total of 9 FEASTs) Training of project partners in conducting the FEAST tool and writing of FEAST reports Lead the field work at the 3 sites (5 days /site including draft report) Lead report writing of FEAST outputs Back-stopping TechFit
Roles and responsibilities #2 Adugna Tolera Team leader for TechFit with responsibility for implementation and reporting of TechFit results at the 3 project sites (total of 9 TechFits) Training of project partners in conducting the TechFit tool and writing of Techfit reports Lead the field work at the 3 sites (5 days /site including draft report) Lead report writing of Techfit outputs Lead collection of further data on feed price and quality at project sites to further populate the database being put together under ELF Back-stopping FEAST
Roles and responsibilities #3 Getachew Legesse, Value Chain Consultant Team leader for VCA with responsibility for implementation and reporting of the VCA results at the 3 project sites (total of 3 VCAs) Training of project partners in conducting the VCA tool and writing of VCA reports Lead the field work at the 3 sites (5 days /site including draft report) Lead report writing of VCA outputs
Roles and responsibilities #4 Peter Thorne Team leader for development of the livelihood assessment tool in Arsi Responsible for leading fieldwork and reporting Amare Haileslassie Member of the Livelihood team Responsible for making arrangements for livelihood tool in Arsi Participate in the field work and discussion during the livelihood tool development Support Peter in reporting We may expand role to include feed resource assessment depending on outputs from ELF project. Gerba Leta Member of the Livelihood team Participate in the field work and discussion during the livelihood tool development
Roles and responsibilities #5 Werner Stür Contribute to the inception and synthesis workshops Assist with planning and work plan development With Abate, travel to Kulumsa ARC and Sinana ARC to discuss the project with Center Directors and identify suitable project sites Assist Alan with preparing reports as required by the donor Review suggestion for improvement from FEAST, VCA and TechFit tools
Roles and responsibilities #6 Alan Duncan Overall coordination and responsibility for the project
Work plan ActivityWhen Who is responsible Visit to ARCs and field sites to: 1)Discuss the project with ARC Directors, Zonal and Woreda Heads to obtain their support for staff and activities 2)Confirm sites for research 3)Decide stratification for FEAST and TechFit May (Kulumsa and Sinana) May (Bako) Abate and Werner Abate and Aynalem Prepare budgets and research agreements for EIAR and OARI, and send out for comments MayAbate, Werner and Alan
ActivityWhen Who is responsible Livelihood Stratification in Kulumsa resulting in 3 livelihood strata -Approval and arrangements16-18 MayAmare, Peter -Training of team in Kulumsa1 JunePeter, Gerba -Focus group (15 people) to identify livelihood indicators 4 June (3 hours) Peter, Amare, Gerba -Prepare questionnaires4 June (afternoon) Peter, Amare, Gerba -Household survey (30 HH)5-7 June (3 days) Peter, Amare, Gerba -Select grouping + feedback meeting with focus group 8 JunePeter, Amare, Gerba
ActivityWhen Who is responsible Decide if livelihood stratification will be done in Bako or a different kind of stratification should be used; e.g. by production system 11 June Peter, Amare, Gerba, Jane, Abate, Alan Training course on FEAST, TechFit and VCA JuneJane, Adugna, Getachew
ActivityWhen Who is responsible Carry out FEAST and TechFit at 3 sites: 3 groups/site 5 days/site (preparation + 3 days fieldwork + 2 days draft report) FEAST and TechFit teams Sinana2-6 July Kulumsa8-12 July Bako18-22 July Carry out VCA at 3 sites: 5 days/site (preparation + 5 days field work per site including draft report; follow up field work by site teams) VCA team Bako2-6 July Sinana16-20 July Kulumsa22-26 July
ActivityWhen Who is responsible Follow-up field activities and report writing July / August Site teams with support from tool team leaders ‘Write-shop’ with site teams coming to ILRI to finalise reports with tool team leaders August (2 days for FEAST/TechFit and 2 days for VCA reports) Tool team leaders + site teams Editing of reports17 Aug – 2 Sep Jane, Adugna, Getachew Synthesis workshop3-4 September Alan, Werner, Abate Submission of financial reports by EIAR and OARI 10 SeptemberEIAR and OARI Report writing for ILRI and USAIDSeptemberWerner, Alan, Aynalem