Introducing The Innovation Pathway AHSN Stakeholder Event Dr Nicola Wesley 23 rd June 2015
The Innovation Pathway – Key Messages A suite of bespoke, cohesive services covering the entire lifecycle of innovation that will assist both NHS Organisations and SMEs to exploit their innovations A concept delivered by multiple Partner Organisations including the NHS. This approach is truly unique Although embryonic at this stage, the AHSN hopes this will become the recognised vehicle for supporting innovation in the healthcare arena, within the region and beyond
The Innovation Pathway – Partner Organisations The AHSN City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust NIHR Clinical Research Network North East North Cumbria South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Newcastle University NHS Innovations North (c/o RTC North Limited)
The Innovation Pathway – A Model for the AHSN Unique service offering that has been developed to address the clear, identified unmet needs of both NHS Organisations and SMEs Provides services to our Member Organisations to drive innovation A vehicle to deliver the ‘Wealth Creation’ remit of the AHSN Aligned to the Strategic Economic Plans of the LEPs Supports the HM Treasury Report ‘Plan for Growth’ Visible outputs such as job creation, increased GVA, sales, royalties and the safeguarding of jobs
The Innovation Pathway – A Model for Member Organisations Prior to The Innovation Pathway Innovation not a core activity for many organisations Limited technology transfer infrastructure (except for HEIs) Responsibility of generally one individual Unsupported culture for innovation The Innovation Pathway Model A rolling process for identifying, developing and exploiting innovation Enabling knowledge technology transfer capacity Streamlines and clarifies the innovation process at all levels for all audiences A network of trained Innovation Scouts New and improved products and services for patients thereby improving patient care
The Innovation Pathway – A Model for SMEs and Industry Prior to The Innovation Pathway Lack of understanding of the complex NHS landscape Rare cohesion amongst business support programmes Difficulty in accessing the healthcare market and clinical KOL Some bespoke services available but many ‘gaps’ No clinical evaluation, regulatory approval and clinical trials support Nervousness of NHS organisations to work with industry The Innovation Pathway Model A better understanding of the NHS landscape – better signposting Provision of a cohesive, bespoke service offering Engagement and support directly from the NHS Direct clinical input and evaluation Risk limitation – maximising return on investment Contribution to economic growth
Innovation Pathway – A model for the ASHN? A truly unique offering created to address a clearly identified need Provides support to our Member Organisations A vehicle for delivering the ‘wealth’ remit of the AHSN Developed upon a strong knowledge of the SMEs sector –133,188 SMEs –4,000 healthcare / life science SME Aligned to the Strategic Economic Plans of LEPs Supports the HM Treasury ‘Plan for Growth’ Report Contributes to economic growth for example, targets are job creation, increased GVA, new IP filings, sales and royalties and technologies adopted
NHS professionals will receive the necessary training to support and encourage the development of innovation and stimulate the creation of ideas, as well as driving a culture for innovation within their organisation. A programme of training for ‘Innovation Scouts’ embedded within innovative NHS organisations will be provided in order to foster this approach. Key Features: Provision of CPD accredited training for the Innovation Scouts across both primary and secondary care Delivery of intellectual property workshops to facilitate the widespread knowledge of intellectual property and its importance both in relation to patient care and in terms of the creation of wealth Provision of invention-spotting workshops to facilitate the identification and harvesting of new ideas as well as an understanding of the associated intellectual property Provision of problem identification workshops to assist with the identification of unmet clinical and healthcare needs, solutions to which may be available within the private sector. Benefits: Building a strong innovation culture within NHS organisations to encourage and show appreciation for innovation, whether it is eventually fully realised or not Culture
Successes… Technology Transfer Activity 2014/15 Eight organisations funded (total £300k) Resulted in new innovation strategies being created and implemented by NHS organisations Increased collaborations of NHS Organisations with industry Improved ways of working with NHS Innovations North Innovation Scouts Scheme Creates a culture of innovation Provides further infrastructure for innovation Increases the number of idea disclosures Increases the identification of unmet needs
The Service will ensure that new ideas are effectively captured and assessed to maximise the chances of successful commercialisation of new products and services, as well as reducing the loss of valuable ideas, with the ultimate aim of improving patient care. The assessment of ideas at this stage of the process ensures that only those ideas with a real and valid opportunity for positively impacting upon healthcare are progressed. Key Features: A thorough assessment of ideas in terms of their originality and commercialisation potential A thorough assessment of ideas in terms of epidemiology, clinical need and health economics Benefits: Provision of a clear, complete and impartial view concerning the value and validity of ideas, enabling them to decide upon which areas to focus Prevention of the loss of ideas from the originating organisation Ensuring that those ideas which are focussed upon are able to address real and `significant healthcare problems, with valuable time and funds being directed towards those ideas that have the best potential impact for return on investment Ideas
Ensuring all the necessary steps are in place for protecting new ideas on the journey to the healthcare marketplace. For existing intellectual property, effective portfolio management is provided, ensuring the on-going maintenance of protection. Key Features: Searching of existing products and patent applications in the public domain, to assess the scope for protecting the idea Assistance with the preparation and filing of patent applications Copyright, design right and trade mark assistance Management of existing intellectual property portfolios Benefits: Improvement of the chances of securing investment when it is required, as well as facilitating the successful commercialisation of ideas Provision of a strong competitive advantage leading to increased commercial returns, as well as contributing to regional economic growth Intellectual Property
Innovators can tap into a valuable source of market information from a wide range of current and secure industry and healthcare specific data platforms. The data can be specialised and bespoke and it can be analysed to inform commercial decisions. Key Features: Bespoke data sourcing and market research, as well as the associated analysis, in order to support applications for grants and other sources of funding Competitor analysis Benefits: Provision of all information required to inform and support important strategic and operational decisions regarding innovation development Markets
Successes… Primarily, this activity involves NHS Innovations North and has resulted in the following outputs: –453 Enquiries –276 Ideas assessed (Stage 1) –92 Ideas assessed (Stage 2) –7 Ideas in commercial pipeline –5 NHS patents and design registrations filed –17 SMEs patents and design registrations filed –9 Press releases published Several IP policies drafted (mainly for CCGs) Joint venture advice / commercial assistance Assistance with grant applications for example I4I Grants
Assistance is provided to help with accessing financial support to enable the further development and commercialisation of a new idea, as well as providing support in connection with the establishment of a company, where appropriate. Key Features: Provision of funding application support, including access to charitable grants, proof of concept funds and venture capital monies Assistance with Business Plan development Assistance with company formation and the implementation of joint ventures Benefits: Creation of a comprehensive and coherent Business Plan and funding model, in order to bring the innovation to market Finance