Software Cluster Improve Collaboration and Community Engagement Work with diverse communities that contribute to the sustainability of scientific software Encourage more scientists & other end users to attend ESIP meetings and share perspectives
Software Cluster Increase Awareness and Understanding of Scientific Software Sustainability Produce non-technical publications and presentations to inform the Earth science community Document best practices and examples of software management plans, use cases, impact metrics, provenance, modularity, and version control, metadata standards, workflow profiles Develop workshops and training modules (agile development and software carpentry)
Software Cluster Create Incentives and Motivation for Scientific Software Sustainability Recognize contributions through ‘best of…’ awards, consider virtual badges Provide attribution by encouraging software citation Develop guidance for citing software and templates for improving attribution Identify funding opportunities to improve software sustainability
Software Cluster Discussion Define sustainable software? Informs what we might do going forward – Will the software be here tomorrow? – Ties to reproducibility – Connection to data Promote code re-use Can we come up with a use case to drive what we do? Work with the documentation cluster? Better naming of variables and functions
Software Cluster Concrete Next Steps Sustainable Software for Earth Scientists – Short Course Resource Page Gather some use cases – Present at summer meeting? Work with Software Carpentry to do a “Train the Summer Meeting? Recommended / Develop standards and templates [what would Earth science software documentation look like?] – use case on minimal metadata software (JSON LD file) – Work with testbed to create the JSON file