The Building Blocks of a Welcoming Community The Manitoba Blueprint- Shared experiences Expériences vécues au Manitoba Gerry Clement Consultation GLC Consulting June 2013
Introduction Presentation Overview 1.The role of governments 2. Immigration levels planning 3. The role of employers and post-secondary institutions 4. Francophone immigration 5. Proven community practices 6. Settlement and integration services 7. Regionalization in rural communities 8. Conclusions
1. Role of government Government = Federal, provincial, municipal Establishing a framework: federal-provincial agreements, shared jurisdictions, local immigration partnerships Setting a vision, broad goals and measureable objectives Developing the strategies and tools that support the overall attainment of these goals
Manitoba’s Immigration Directions Vision A welcoming province where immigrants can contribute to Manitoba’s economic, social, and cultural goals. Goals Increase immigration levels through all streams, supporting Manitoba’s demographic, social and economic development Inclusive, responsive, accessible programs and services Settled and integrated immigrants Strengthen the diversity of our communities Support the ongoing development of rural Manitoba
Activities coordinated by government Promotion and recruitment strategies Selection and targeted initiatives Welcoming communities – defined roles and responsibilities Addressing settlement needs Supporting factors leading to retention
2. Immigration levels planning Minister’s report to Parliament on immigration levels – consultative process Background information: historical immigration data (CIC), Census reports and Bureau of Statistics reports Proportional share of immigration and relationship to annual immigration intake by provinces Federal case management policies and systems Provincial and municipal capacity to impact on levels
Manitoba’s Action Strategy for Economic Growth Premier’s “State of the Province” speech to Manitoba Chamber of Commerce Key recommendations by the Premier’s Economic Advisory Council Growing through Immigration Strategy Defined a target of 10,000 immigrants per annum by Throne speech sets new target of 20,000 annual arrivals by 2016
Immigration to Manitoba by Category
3. The role of employers and post- secondary educational institutions Leadership Advocacy Accountability Skills utilization Skills development Foreign credentials and recognition
Employers Advocacy- Chambers of Commerce, Business Councils, Sector councils at provincial and national levels Developing champions – spokespersons on issues Immigration policies on temporary foreign workers Canada experience class Local versus international hiring Employer driven recruitment and selection (offshore) Immigration fairs – joint initiatives Integrity – Worker Recruitment and Protection Act
Universities and Community Colleges International student recruitment – strategies and outcomes Favorable policies – dual intent, Canada experience class, off-campus employment Bilingual institutions, learning a second language Worldwide competition – impacts on institutions International students – Ambassadors abroad Special recruitment initiatives Provincial nominee program
4. Francophone immigration Federal and provincial policy and support programs Community support – infrastructure building Private and public sector participation Humanitarian migration Promotion and recruitment Settlement and integration Strategic initiatives Innovative partnerships
5. Proven community practices Civic commitment – Mayors and councils Think global – act local Programs and supports reflect community realities Pro-active communications Public education system Recreation and other public services Housing Support from ethno-cultural communities Celebrating diversity at a community level
Centralized registration and orientation Language assessment and placement Welcoming communities strategy Eligibility for services – temporary foreign workers Interpretation in essential service areas Integration in public school system Neighbourhood settlement workers Community-based language programs – marginalized persons/groups Professionalization of settlement sector Public opinion – communicating positive stories 6. Settlement and integration services: best practices
Manitoba Settlement Services Model Pre- Arriva l Centralized Immigrant Registration Centralized Orientation Program Manitoba Start - Employment Assessment & Referrals IntegrationServices EmploymentServices Adult EAL Services QualificationsRecognition Services Services I Employment Planning and Preparation Services Qualifications Recognition Planning and Program Supports For Settlement, Employment and Academic Purposes Settlement Services and Integration Supports
Video tours - Entry Program, Career Destinations, Career Research Career Research & Working in Manitoba tool featuring real newcomer occupation-specific stories Occupation Fact Sheets and Guides (multilingual) Communities and settlement services map Provincial Nominee Self-Assessment Tool Demographic growth trends map Budget Calculator for resource and time planning Workplace Culture Online Learning Online pre-arrival information
7. Regionalization – A partnership with rural Manitoba communities Community-based planning – rural economic assessments Broad-based partnership and shared vision Good fit for employers and provincial nominee program Designated staff and modified programs to assist regions Support research through the Rural Development Institute
Manitoba Immigration Top Destinations
“Building your welcoming community” : key considerations Leadership and vision Developing and supporting champions Innovative and effective programming Public awareness – communicating success Ottawa - a destination of choice CONCLUDING COMMENTS
Thank you Gerry Clement Consultations GLC Consulting