Latitude / Longitude Lat/lon practice map
The Equator and Parallels of Latitude
DDD° MM ' SS " A latitude / longitude coordinate would be written like… N 37° 22' 30" W 122° 15' 45"
DDD° MM.MMM ' It is now common place to write lat / lon coordinates in a “decimal minutes” format. N 37° 22.5' W 122° 15.75'
DDD.DDDD° Many computer based systems report lat/lon in decimal degrees. N ° W °
Units Matter It is important to include all of the units and notation. It’s N 37° 22' 30" W 122° 15' 45” Not Correct coordinates are occasionally a matter of life and death. Don’t sacrifice clarity due to laziness!
Measuring Latitude
Measuring Longitude
Using Lat/Lon is Tricky Take a look at the “Lat/Lon Practice Map” handout. Can you quickly determine what map feature is at: N 38° 36' 22" W 120° 03' 58"
Lat/Lon Coordinate Exercise