Scientific Classification of Cattle Bos Taurus Bos Indicus
The place of the beef cattle industry in U.S. agriculture The phrase “Beef is King” The beef industry is the single largest money-generating commodity in agriculture
The gross annual income from U.S. beef This $35 billion amounts Cattle and calves rank in the top 5 commodities for 32 of the 50 states The USA produces over 20% of the world’s beef and veal
Purpose of the Beef Cattle Industry in the US The purpose of the beef cattle industry in the United States -Protein supply -Grass utilization into protein -Vast amounts of crop wastes and food byproducts utilized
Beef have other advantages -they are rugged and adaptable -they can be fed excess grain
Cattle are the most numerous, most widely distributed, and most important of all the livestock species
Historical Perspective Probably domesticated by 6500 B.C. Historical look at U.S. cattle Numbers - notice the cyclic ups and downs of the numbers in that figure - the cycles are roughly 10-year cycles
Columbus brought cattle to the West Indies on his second voyage in Cortez -Spanish missionaries distributed cattle across the American West -By the middle of the 19 th century
After World War II Grain-fed beef Refrigeration Better fences/BLM land A marketing revolution took place A new industry segment - during the 70’s- boxed beef Consumer Demands Beef cow numbers first exceeded dairy cow numbers in 1954
Per capita demand for beef has been declining since quality issues began to plague the industry - how the industry responds
STRUCTURE OF THE BEEF INDUSTRY The various beef industry segments - seedstock/purebred producers - commercial cow-calf producers - yearling or stocker operators - the feedlot or finishing phase
Geographical location of beef cattle in the U.S. Cow-calf production –Beef cows are found near ??? –Stocker operations are drawn to ???? –Finishing cattle in feedlots is a major economic importance Cattle are finished as secondary enterprises Over 95% of all cattle feeding is done in the twelve states
In simplest terms, two factors affect all the economic traits in cattle 1) genetic progress is dependent on how heritable the trait is
Tools are available to help producers make genetic progress - such practices as performance testing (discuss bull test station), sire summaries and EPD’s are examples - seedstock producers and commercial cow- calf producers
Crossbreeding is the appropriate mating system of choice for commercial cow-calf producers - pounds of calf weaned per cow - a big problem with the nation’s cowherd - Crossbreeding is not fix all
The importations changed the face of the American cattle industry since the 1970’s - the British breeds had to make room for European breeds - commercial cows in the U.S. - Not one perfect breed
2) Reproductive management in beef cattle - the goal of breeding herds of beef cattle
Each calf should be born days of calving season - the cow must recover from calving, start her heat cycle again, and conceive - good management is absolutely essential if this goal is to be reached
The estual cycle for a cow is days and the duration of estrus (heat) is usually hours.
Net calf crop – number of calves weaned and sold/number of Cows exposed - it is the simplest and best way
Most beef cows are mated by natural service - artificial insemination is more likely to be used Purebred or club calf situations - approximately 15 to 20%
Bulls should be evaluated before they are used in a breeding program - evaluation - major factors of a breeding soundness exam - a bad bull can do tremendous damage - his presence is felt for generations - bull selection is more important than the selection of any single female
Good records are essential to managing reproductive issues in the cow herd
Nutrition in Beef Cattle Cattle are ruminants
Stocker feeding programs - the first is to meet minimum requirements of the calves - the second is to graze calves on forage as long as we can
Feedlots - use high quality feeds to bring cattle to a suitable slaughter end point - several types of feed programs - Yet the endpoint is to produce beef that will fit in the box and satisfy the consumer
A Steer is not all steak
Nutritional benefits to humans from beef Beef provides high proportions of the recommended daily dietary allowance for several nutrients. Beef is a nutrient dense food –In light of the more recent medical findings
Trends in the beef cattle industry The beef cattle industry is changing Consumption - market share - consumption in the 90’s was fairly stable - average per capita expenditures for meat - beef expenditures as a percentage of total beef, pork and chicken - the industry cannot survive indefinitely under this trend
Nutrition and health consciousness - beef is good food that is nutritious -lean beef - the problem is when beef is fat - steps have been taken - we trim and discard - genetics - cattle are being sent to market are significantly leaner - National Quality Beef Audit(s)
Convenient foods is also an issue related to consumption - beef doesn’t have enough good, convenience foods - three-fourths of the cooks - beef must become more convenient
Exports. The export market for beef looks bright for the long term - exports have been increasing since the early 1980’s - the U.S. has been a net exporter of beef since world-wide trade agreements
Food safety Food borne illnesses Bovine Spongiform Encephalophathy (BSE) Hormone implants and feed additives Antibiotics
Environmental concerns - in 1998, the U.S. EPA announced it would increase the attention given to concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) - final rules - you can bet this means more money added to the cost of production
Industry Integration - vertical cooperation, vertical coordination and alliances - it amounts to vertical integration