Procurement Functions - Service Service Function - Provides client department with procurement services so clients can focus on their core responsibilities and mission. –Adequate and timely material support –Tactful and courteous –Receiving advice from competent personnel –Maintaining good relationships –Ensuring customers are informed of each other’s needs, problems and benefits from purchasing’s contributions Example: Buying office supplies for the entire organization.
Procurement Functions - Staff Staff function – advising management and users on such matters as –General market conditions –New products and service –“Make or buy” decisions –Changes, trends and availability –Cost and budget information –Opportunities to establish better relationships with suppliers and consultants –New legislation, policies and regulations
Procurement Functions - Line Line function – clearly defined operational responsibilities and authority to contribute to the bottom line –Service to the taxpayer –Determining the best way to allocate resources –Acts as its own department within the organization –Primary point of supplier contact and doing business with the organization under the Law of Agency –Authorized to award contracts in support of the organization’s operations
Strategic Role of Procurement Clearly defined responsibilities in: Strategic planning Budget preparation Specs and requisition development Purchasing and source selection Receiving, inspection and quality control Stores control and distribution
Control, Management and Planning Three essential services of procurement: Control – ensure resources allocated consistent with policy, no fraudulent use Management – minimize costs by aggregating, knowing markets, build inventories and expertise Planning – strategic and tactic – facilitating anticipated needs and flow of supply
Procurement Process Cycle Procurement Planning Procurement Evaluation Procurement Implementation Procurement Formalization
Procurement Process Model: Planning Analyze the environment Assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the procurement process (SWOT) Assess expectations of the stakeholders
Proactive or Reactive Role? Proactive: initiates action Reactive: responds to demands ProactiveReactive
Procurement Process Model: Formalization Develop goals and objectives for the organization Develop procurement strategies to achieve the goals and objectives based on constraints identified in the environmental scan
Procurement Process Model: Evaluation Provide feedback to the system May start the process again or force system to adapt if strategies selected and implemented are not performing at the level identified in the planning phase
Need For Change Litigious Society Globalization Drivers for Change Increased Transparency and Public Scrutiny Government Restructuring Rapid Pace of Technological Change Expanding Socio- Economic Benefits
Mission Why organization exists – raison d’etre How it contributes to the community and relates to the jurisdiction as a whole Nature of services provided Clients it seeks to serve Current picture of the organization
Vision Where organization wants to be in the future Uniqueness relative to the community Focus on values committed to and behaviors Provides an image of the future Improvement paths, development programs and measures of progress should be developed for each element of the vision