End-to-End Delay Analysis for Fixed Priority Scheduling in WirelessHART Networks Abusayeed Saifullah, You Xu, Chenyang Lu, Yixin Chen
2 Motivation Challenges in process control Harsh environment Real-time and reliability requirements WirelessHART Open standard for process industries Fixed-priority transmission scheduling for real-time flows in WirelessHART networks Fast schedulability analysis is required for acceptance test, admission control, and adaptation Process control Controller Wireless Sensor- Actuator Network
3 WirelessHART Network Model Components A gateway, field devices (sensors and actuators) A network manager: creates and distributes the schedule Time Division Multiple Access Spectrum diversity Multi-channel (defined in IEEE ) No spatial reuse of the same channel in a time slot Route diversity 3
Real-Time Flows Sensor-controller-actuator flow through multiple routes Considered an individual flow through each route A set of flows F={F 1, F 2, …, F N } ordered by priorities Each flow F i is characterized by A source (a sensor node), a destination (an actuator), route through the gateway (where controllers are located) A period P i A deadline D i ( ≤ P i ) Total number of transmissions C i along the route 4 highest lowest priority
Scheduling Problem Fixed priority scheduling Transmissions happen based on the priorities of their flows Flows are schedulable if R i ≤ D i F i F Goal: efficient end-to-end delay analysis Establish an upper bound of end-to-end delay for each flow Sufficient schedulability analysis: any set of flows deemed schedulable by the analysis is indeed schedulable 5 end-to-end delay of F i deadline of F i
End-to-End Delay Analysis A lower priority flow is delayed due to Channel contention: when all channels are assigned to higher priority flows in a slot Conflict: its transmission and a transmission of a higher flow involve the same node and 5 are conflicting 4 and 5 are conflicting and 4 are conflict-free Each delay is analyzed separately Consider both types of delays in the analysis to establish an upper bound of end-to-end delay of each flow
Delay due to Channel Contention Observation: WirelessHART transmission scheduling vs. global multiprocessor scheduling Similarity: channel contention Difference: transmission conflicts Channel contention: map to multiprocessor scheduling Each channel a processor Each flow F i a task with period P i, deadline D i, execution time C i Built on state-of-the-art response time analysis for global multiprocessor scheduling 7
When 2 transmissions, one from lower priority flow F l and one from higher priority flow F h, conflict, F l is delayed Q(I,h): total transmissions of F h sharing nodes with F l In worst case, an instance of F h can delay F l by Q(l,h) slots In the figure, Q(l,h) = 5, and F h can delay F l by 5 slots Delay due to Conflict 8 F l delayed by 2 slots F l delayed by 2 slots F l delayed by 1 slot
Precise Bound on Conflict Delay 9 Total number of MCP of length at least 4 Length of an MCP Q(I,h) often overestimates the delay Δ(I,h): more precise bound of delay an instance of F h can cause on F l Maximal common path (MCP) between two flows Maximal overlap on their routes On an MCP, F l can be delayed by F h at most by 3 slots Q(I,h)=8 but Δ(I,h)=3
Total Delay due to Conflict In a time interval of t slots the delay caused by F h on F l is upper bounded by The total delay of F l due to transmission conflicts with higher priority flows is upper bounded by 10 P h is period of F h hp(F l ) is the set of higher priority flows of F l
Complete Analysis R k ch : upper bound of end-to-end delay of F k considering that it is delayed only due to channel contention R k ch,con : upper bound of end-to-end delay of F k considering that it is delayed due to both channel contention and transmission conflict For every flow in decreasing order of priority Step 1: derive an upper bound assuming it does not conflict with any higher priority flow. Step 2: incorporate the conflict delay into the bound of Step 1 11 conflict channel contention
Step 1 for Flow F k Ω k ( x ): total delay that the higher priority flows can cause on F k due to channel contention in an interval of x slots Determined considering the end-to-end delay R i ch,con of every higher priority flow F i Analyzed based on the response time analysis for multiprocessor (Guan et al. RTSS 2009) R k ch is the minimum value of x determined by a fixed-point algorithm in equation 12 m : total number of channels Number of transmissions along the route of F k
Step 2 for Flow F k R k ch,con is the minimum value of y that solves the following equation using a fixed-point algorithm 13 End-to-end delay of F k assuming it does not conflict with any higher priority flow Total delay of F k due to conflict with higher priority flows If x (in Step 1) or y (in Step 2) exceeds D k (deadline), the algorithm terminates and reports the case as unschedulable The analysis runs in pseudo polynomial time.
Simulations Real network topologies Testbed of 48 TelosB motes Random topologies Priority assignment policies Deadline monotonic (DM) Proportional Deadline monotonic Metrics Acceptance ratio Pessimism ratio 14 Testbed topology
Acceptance Ratio (Testbed Topology) 15 Number of channels=12 Priority assignment policy: DM
Pessimism Ratio (Random Topology) 16
Conclusion WirelessHART is an important standard for process monitoring and control Efficient end-to-end delay analysis is required for Acceptance test Online admission control Adaptation to network and workload dynamics Contribution: The first efficient delay analysis for fixed- priority scheduling in WirelessHART networks Evaluation on testbed topology and random topologies Estimated bounds are safe and reasonably tight Effective under various priority assignment policies 17