Think Pair Share Break this sentence apart into the subject and predicate. Mr. Nuno’s wife had a baby boy. Mr. Nuno’s wife had a baby boy
Why is this important? It helps us be better writers because we can use a variety of sentences which makes our writing more interesting. It helps us understand what we are reading.
Simple Sentence A sentence that has one complete thought. Examples: My mom and dad went to the movies last night. My sister went to the mall and to the movies.
Compound Sentence A sentence made up of TWO or more COMPLETE thoughts. Examples: My mom went to the market, and my brother went to the park. My sister ate some popcorn, and I ate some nachos.
How can we tell what type of sentence it is? 1. Find the conjunction (and, or, but, so) 2. Separate the parts of the sentence using a brace map. 3. Ask yourself, “Does the sentence have ONLY 1 complete thought? If yes, it’s simple. if not, it’s compound. The dog walked down the street and growled at the cat. and The dog walked down the street and growled at the cat. Simple Sentence!
How can we tell if it’s a simple sentence? 1. Find the conjunction (and, or, but, so) 2. Separate the parts of the sentence using a brace map. 3. Ask yourself, “Does the sentence have ONLY 1 complete thought? The children made costumes and props for the play. and The children made costumes and props for the play Simple Sentence!
How can we tell if it’s a simple sentence? 1. Find the conjunction (and, or, but, so) 2. Separate the parts of the sentence using a brace map. 3. Ask yourself, “Does the sentence have ONLY 1 complete thought? The Native Americans danced and sang songs around the fire. and The Native Americans danced and sang songs around the fire. Simple Sentence!
How can we tell if it’s a simple sentence? 1. Find the conjunction (and, or, but, so) 2. Separate the parts of the sentence using a brace map. 3. Ask yourself, “Does the sentence have ONLY 1 complete thought? My mom went to the market, and she bought some milk. and My mom went to the market and She bought some milk Compound Sentence!
How can we tell if it’s a simple sentence? 1. Find the conjunction (and, or, but, so) 2. Separate the parts of the sentence using a brace map. 3. Ask yourself, “Does the sentence have ONLY 1 complete thought? My brother graduated from college,and he moved back home. and My brother graduated from college and he moved back home. Compound Sentence!
How can we tell if it’s a simple sentence? 1. Find the conjunction (and, or, but, so) 2. Separate the parts of the sentence using a brace map. 3. Ask yourself, “Does the sentence have ONLY 1 complete thought? My dad bought a new car, but he didn’t like it. but My dad bought a new car but he didn’t like it. Compound Sentence!
What is a simple sentence? A simple sentence is a group of words that describes one thought. ○ My cousins came to visit.
What is a compound sentence? A compound sentence is two or more simple sentences connected by a comma and a conjunction. These sentences include two separate thoughts. ○ Mary wanted to go to the zoo, but Henry had to go to football practice. A conjunction is a joining word – and, but, or
Is the sentence below a simple or compound sentence? Will you play music and sing for us? How do you know? tps
Is the sentence below a simple or compound sentence? The audience applauded loudly, and some people cheered. How do you know? tps
Is the sentence below a simple or compound sentence? Mary, Susie, and I wanted to go to the park, but it got too dark outside. How do you know? tps
Is the sentence below a simple or compound sentence? Sam jumped and ran around in his yard. How do you know? tps
Is the sentence below a simple or compound sentence? Molly and Lauren went to the mall, but had to leave due to the heavy snowfall. How do you know? tps
Is the sentence below a simple or compound sentence? Joey and Matthew played video games and tag. How do you know? tps
Is the sentence below a simple or compound sentence? We live far from my sister’s college, so we decided to go to visit her on a Saturday. How do you know? tps