Glass Recycling Done By Tim King
About glass Glass was discovered more than 5000 years ago. For 2000 years blowing glass was done by hand but now it is done by machines. Glass is made from sand, soda ash and lime stone
Flow Chart Step 1 The glass is put into a recycle bin.
Flow Chart Step 2 Then it is taken to a glass recycling plant.
Flow Chart Step 3 After it gets to the recycling plant it is sorted by colour and washed.
Flow Chart Step 4 Then the glass is crushed and melted, then moulded into new products.
Flow Chart Step 5 Then the newly recycled glass is sent back to the shops were it is refilled.
How to Minimize Wastefulness You can minimize wastefulness with glass by: Refilling bottles with water. Store home made things like: Jam, Tomato Sauce. Even u can use glass for storing nuts, bolts and nails in the shed.
Facts Glass can be recycled over and over again W.A recycles tonnes per year. Each year Australians recycle tonnes of glass.