New Member Orientation
Orientation Materials Rotary Basics This Is Rotary The ABC’s of Rotary You & Your Rotary Foundation How to Propose a New Member New Member Checklist Personal Facts Sheet for the Club Database List of Club Officers, Directors, and Committee Assignments Copy of the Club Bylaws Paul Harris Fellow Information New Member Folder including :
Rotary is … The world’s first service club Our motto is “Service above Self”
In the beginning… The first Rotary club was organized in Chicago in 1905, by Paul P. Harris. Rotary Founder Paul Harris u The club, with four members, met in rotation at the offices of the members – thus the name Rotary. u There are approximately 1.2 million members in over 30,000 clubs worldwide.
Service Above Self Rotary was not long to recognize that fellowship alone would not keep a group together — there needed to be a purpose. The first service project was public restrooms in downtown Chicago, IL, USA. Rotary became the world’s first service club.
Guiding Principles The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service High ethical standards: worthiness and dignifying of all occupations Application of the ideal of service to personal, business, and community life Advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a united fellowship
Rotary Standard of Excellence The Four Way Test Of the things we think, say, or do … - Is it the TRUTH? - Is it FAIR to all concerned? - Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? - Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Club Service Those things that a Rotarian does to help make successful the running of the local club. Vocational Service The promoting of the “ideal of service” throughout the business and professional world. Community Service Urges every Rotarian to participate in all activities that make the community a better place in which to live. International Service Encourages and fosters the advancement of understanding and good will among people of the world. Four Avenues of Service
History of the Rotary Club of Toronto – Forest Hill Chartered in 1952 Over 35 Current Members District Recognition and Involvement –District Governor –Assistant District Governors
Rotary Club of Toronto – Forest Hill Leadership Milo Vassalo - President J. Michael Lloyd - Past President Jaime Patton - President Elect Jason Chan - Secretary Bohdan Buczko - Treasurer Directors – –Mary Lou TomsClub Administration –Ken Kapur Fundraising –James MatsumotoProjects –Minerva CerneaMembership & Public Relations A new board is elected to take office on 1 July of each year. All Executive positions in Rotary are one year terms that change on 1 July All Director positions in Rotary are alternating two year terms that change on 1 July.
Rotary Fees Initiation Fee – None Meals – $23 per meeting Dues – $350 per Year ($300 Early Bird fee) Social Events – as attended
Rotary Protocol: Attendance Attendance is a condition of membership 50% Attendance required A Make-up is allowed
Rotary Communication Club Bulletin – The Spokesman District Newsletter The Rotarian Magazine Websites: - Club - District - Rotary International (
Rotary is an International Organization There are 530 districts in over 160 countries throughout the world. Our club, Rotary Club of Toronto – Forest Hill is in District 7070 which is comprised of 52 clubs with over 2000 members. The district covers Etobicoke, Alliston, Cobourg
District 7070 Officers Ted Morrison- Governor Robert Wallace - District Governor Elect Ted Koziel - District Governor Nominee
Rotary Hierarchy Rotary International is governed by a president and a board of directors elected from all over the world. u Annually each district elects a district governor u - but each club is autonomous. Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith Ted & Sharon Morrison
District 7070 Conference October 22 to 24, 2010 Sheraton Fallsview. Niagara Falls
The Rotary Club of Toronto – Forest Hill Major Fundraising Causes –Canadian Landmine Foundation –Polio Plus –Rotary Foundation –Church of the Redeemer Lunch Program Fundraising –Bingo, Christmas Cakes
Rotary Events Foundation Walk District Conference Meals for a Mine-free World Christmas Lunch Pub Nights
The Rotary Foundation “World Peace through Understanding”
Exchanges Group Study Exchanges –Teams of one Rotarian leader and four non- Rotarian business or professional young people visit the district for four to six weeks. –Rotarians have hosted visiting teams, been team leaders and sponsored team members.
Exchanges Rotary Youth Exchange Program –16-18 year olds are exchanged world-wide. –Part of a 7,000 student/year program. –Rotarians host these young people in their homes for three to five months. –Students become part of the family.
Ambassadorial Scholarships Scholars selected to attend Post graduate studies at various universities around the world Our Club has nominated two successful Ambassadorial Scholars candidates
Paul Harris Fellows and Benefactors Many Rotarians and spouses are benefactors of the Permanent Fund. Members and partners are Paul Harris Fellows. ($1000 US Donation)
Membership There are two types of membership in a Rotary club: Active Honorary
Your Obligations in Rotary Participation To be a Rotarian you must give of your time and talents: –in community work –in fellowship and social functions –in club and district activities.
Your Obligations in Rotary Attendance Attendance at the weekly meetings is a benefit of Rotary. A minimum of 50% is expected. You can easily maintain your attendance levels by making up at another Rotary club meeting, participating in club service projects, and activities.
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Toronto – Forest Hill