The Cupertino Historical Society, Inc. The Rotary Club of Cupertino 2011 Golf Tournament Beneficiary Application
Proposed Use of the Funds Signage with historical text and photos
“Naming” Opportunities or other Fundraising Possibilities Pavers Sell donor recognition pavers to interested community members and organizations Hands-on project for Rotarians
The Cupertino Historical Society and Museum is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to ensuring that the heritage of Cupertino stays alive for all to understand and share, and for all to assimilate as their heritage. The Cupertino Historical Society was established in 1966 and the Museum was opened in Our Mission Statement: We preserve and illuminate Cupertino's past to inspire our youth, strengthen the sense of community, and shape a better future by making Cupertino history relevant and available to all. Our Organization