Nutrients By Sophie
Carbohydrates Three places you could find carbohydrates: Sugar Dried fruits Cookies Why do we need carbohydrates? To boost our brain Lose weight Protect your heart Burn more fat
Fibre Three places you could find fibre: Wheat Dried herbs Nuts Beans Passion fruit Why do we need fibre Lower cholesterol blood Keep your digestive system healthy
Protein Three places you will find protein: Turkey Fish Cheese Why do we need protein? Healthy skin, hair, nails Keep the immune system healthy
Saturated fat Three places you will find saturated fat: Coconut Butter Dark chocolate Why do you need saturated fat? Healthy lungs Stronger bones Healthy brain Strong immune system
Mono- unsaturated fat Three places you will find mono- unsaturated fat: Olive oil Avocados Nuts Why do we need Mono- unnsaturated fat? Weight loss Lower risk for stroke
Poly- unsaturated fat Three places you will find poly- unsaturated fat Coffee Oil Nuts Why do we need poly- unsaturated fat? Lower blood cholesterol
Vitamin A Three places you will find vitamin A Liver Carrots Sweet potato Why do we need vitamin A? Healthy skin, hair and tissues New cell growth
Vitamin B9 Three places you will find vitamin B9 Yeast Liver Dried herbs Why do we need vitamin B9? Healthy skin, hair, eyes and liver Help the nervous system too
Vitamin B12 Three places you will find vitamin B12 Oysters Mussels Liver Why do we need vitamin B12 Building proteins Red blood cells
Vitamin C Three places you will find vitamin c Chillis Herbs Broccoli Why do we need vitamin c Healthy teeth Healthy gums
Vitamin d Three places you will find vitamin d Liver oil Fish Oysters Why do we need vitamin d? Healthy bones and teeth
iron Three places you will find iron: Oysters Lamb Nuts Why do we need iron? Healthy lungs and body cells
calcium Three places you will find calcium: Dried herbs Sesame seeds Chesse Why do we need calcium Healthy bones and teeth
phosphorus Three places you will find phosphorus Rice Chesse Nuts Why do we need phosphorus Acid base in the body Healthy bones and teeth
lodine Three places you will find lodine Milk Tuna Eggs Why do we need lodine? Normal metabolism cells