Principal Jones is a bit of a scoundrel. I heard he often suspends kids he doesn’t like for no reason. I wouldn’t go to Bob’s Ink for tattoos: they just rinse off their gear instead of properly cleaned and new stuff. Justin Bieber is one of the worst singers ever. His voice sounds like two cats fighting on a chalkboard.
To qualify as an invasion of privacy, the information obtained must be sufficiently private and sufficiently intimate. Truth is not a defense for an invasion of privacy. Slander is written defamation. Libel is spoken defamation. Intrusion is not going far enough when gathering news. False light is portraying someone as something he or she is not.
1. False light 2. Defamation 3. Fair use 4. Truth 5. A type of intrusion 6. First amendment 7. Opinion A. Statements that harm someone’s character B. The ultimate defense against Libel C. Doctrine that allows small uses of copyrighted material for educational or academic purposes D. Cannot be libelous E. Guarantees five basic freedoms F. Portraying someone as something they aren’t G. Secret surveillance
Superman is a reporter when not out super-heroing. He happens to have x-ray vision and uses it to spy on Batman when he is at home in the Bat cave. Superman then decides to publish what he has discovered in the Daily Planet, the paper he works for. Has he committed an invasion of privacy against Batman? Why?
The Question (my true nerds will get this reference) is on the sidewalk taking pictures of passers-by. He is using a plain camera with no zoom, but a policeman tells him to leave and surrender his camera first. Does The Question have to surrender his camera? Does he have to leave? Why or why not?
Laurel Lance is writing an opinion piece in the newspaper where she accuses Oliver Queen of embezzling millions of dollars from his company, Queen Industries. She submits the article with a photo of his office, but has no proof of his wrongdoing. Has she committed an act of libel? Does using his unique office in the picture quality as sufficient identification of Oliver Queen? Explain.
The Flash, the world’s foremost speedster, has a trademark lightning bolt logo. Batman knows this and begins using the symbol on T-shirts, selling them for a huge profit. What has batman done wrong here? What should he do to legally use The Flash’s logo?
Final scenario: The Green Lantern is in uniform eating sushi at the Lucky Dragon restaurant. He is merely minding his own business, blowing of steam, and getting grub after thwarting the Sinestro Corps. A manager at the restaurant snaps The Green Lantern’s picture and uses it to promote the place: “Green Lantern loves Lucky Dragon Sushi!” What has happened here? What should have been done to use the Green Lantern’s permission. Unrelated bonus question: What are the actual names of the four most well known of Earth Quadrant’s Green Lanterns?
Which of the following is not a common type of intrusion? A. Trespass B. Secret Surveillance C. Libel D. Misrepresentation
Which of the following is not a right guaranteed by the First Amendment. A. Speech B. Petition C. Assembly D. Religion E. Firearms F. Press