A Library Programme Why now?
Reasons for development Curriculum needs a framework. Curriculum needs a VISION. Curriculum needs ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS that link to the needs of changing learners and developments in the field (ISTE NETS, 21st Century Fluencies). Curriculum needs a unified continuum. Curriculum needs context in the current world. Curriculum needs benchmarks, scaffolding and identification of explicit skills. Curriculum needs outcomes. If it has all of this, then it can be a tool for clear definition and communication of our role.
From Ross Todd the guru of Evidence-based practice in libraries… “Nobody is coming to rescue us. We must rescue ourselves!”
What we know about learners Children learn by being actively engaged and reflecting on that experience Children learn by building on what they already know Children develop higher order thinking through guidance at critical points and explicit teaching of skills Children develop in a sequence of stages Children have different ways of learning Children learn through social interaction with others (technology) Children are motivated by problem solving and inquiry Mastery of content knowledge occurs when it is applied, manipulated, and original meaning is constructed based on existing knowledge of students Technology needs to be taught as a tool to creative and productive learning
Our over-arching goal “Information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. It is common to all disciplines, to all learning environments, and to all levels of education. It enables learners to master content and extend their investigations, become more self-directed, and assume greater control over their own learning.”
21 st Century Information Literacy… Digital-age literacy Basic, scientific, economic, technological Visual and information literacy Multicultural literacy and global awareness Inventive thinking Curiosity, creativity Higher-order thinking and reasoning Adaptability, self-direction, managing complexity Effective communication Teaming, collaboration, interactive communication Personal and social responsibility Effective use of real-world tools Managing, prioritizing, planning Production of relevant, high quality products
ICT and 21st Century skills Learning skills for information, communication, and media literacy Accessing and managing information Integrating and creating information Evaluating and analyzing information Understanding, managing, and creating effective communications—oral, written, multimedia Exercising sound reasoning Making complex choices Understanding the connections among systems Framing, analyzing, and solving problems Developing, implementing, communicating new ideas Demonstrating teamwork, adaptability, respect Practicing self-direction
Rationale 18 state studies prove that instruction in information literacy skills by a certified SLMS boosts student performance on state and local assessments, reading tests, standardized tests. ISTE NETS, define a thinking, active, information literate learner. Information literacy has evolved to embrace 21 st Century Skills for the digital age, inquiry, and information fluency.
Con’t… New roles, competencies, and dynamics define information literacy for teachers and learners today. A common vision, a shared skills matrix, and common goals emerge for teacher-librarians
Library Continuum Organizes the mashup of research, information literacy, media literacy, literacy, and ICT skills and Web 2.0 tools that has become Library Program. Merges current thinking from a number of influences…
What sources? Together for Learning Information Studies TDSB Research Succes On Your Own (Thames Valley) GEARS (Grand Erie) Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy ISTE - NETS standards AASL - Empowering learners and Standards for the 21st Century Learner 21st Century fluencies project
Other jurisdictions who have started a continuum… New York City schools Washington-Saratoga BOCES State Board of education - California New Haven Unified School District Big 6 Research Skills Partnership for 21st Century Skills Provinces of Manitoba, PEI J.Clarke Richardson Collegiate York Region Catholic
Longer term goals To develop a HWDSB Library Program To develop lessons that embed the skills and ensure that all students are given the opportunity to learn and practice them To promote collaboration among Teacher-librarians To become a cornerstone of a Library Learning Commons that promotes collaboration with Librarians, Heads, Teachers and administration who buy into the same program
What is included? Reflects the paradigm shift from information problem-solving to INQUIRY Leads the learner to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information Focuses on digital literacy, emerging technological capabilities Emphasizes student centered process: questioning, exploration, assimilation, reflection, critical and creative thinking Learner is engaged and active
And a philosophy based on… Learner connects to prior knowledge, constructs meaning from text, evaluates process and products, draws original conclusions, synthesizes, creates, expresses and shares new understanding. 21 st Century Skills are incorporated for information fluency: information evaluation and management; collaboration; strategic use of information systems, databases, communication technologies; production and sharing of quality products.
Creates a framework for instructional partnerships linking librarians, teachers, and students in active learning. Designed for collaboration and integration.
The continuum sections: Make it! Share it! Focus it! Find it! Evaluate it! Source it! Solve it! Protect it! Show it! Use it! Reflect on it! Enjoy it! Creativity and innovation Communication and collaboration Preparing for research Accessing resources Processing and evaluating sources Referencing sources Critical thinking, problem solving and decision making Digital citizenship Visual and media literacy Information and computer technology skills Metacognition skills Love of reading
Hopeful Outcomes… Boost in student motivation Boost in student achievement Development of higher order thinking skills Life long learning Productive habits of mind Collaborative school culture Enhanced mastery of knowledge in the content areas Questions, meaning, understanding, original conclusions