Christian views on Divorce LO: To consider Christian attitudes to divorce and explain why there are different attitudes. 15 August 2015
Lesson objective The aim of this lesson is to use what Christianity has to say about divorce to help you decide whether you think divorce is right or wrong.
Lesson outcomes GRADE C: will be able to express an opinion about the reasons why couples divorce GRADE B: will be able to identify the different Christian views about divorce GRADE A: will be able to give both sides of the argument when deciding whether divorce should be allowed or not
The facts about divorce – True or False? 1. Anyone can have a divorce if they ask for it FALSE. You have to prove that your marriage has “broken down” and only a judge can grant the divorce.
The facts about divorce – True or False? 2. The most common reason for divorce is “unreasonable behaviour” TRUE. Two other common reasons are adultery and desertion (where one partner leaves or has left the other)
The facts about divorce – True or False? 3. Half of all marriages in the UK end in divorce FALSE. It’s not quite that bad! One third of all marriages end in divorce in the UK
The facts about divorce – True or False? 4. More people got divorced in 2009 than they did in 2008 FALSE. The number of divorces in the UK is going down. Why do you think this is?
Divorce Statistics Total number of divorces in the UK: YearNumber of divorces , , , , , ,558
Reasons for Failure? Why might someone want a divorce?
Why??? In your opinion, which of the following should be grounds for divorce? Place them in the diamond 9 and explain why you chose the most and least important reasons. DESERTION UNREASONABLE BEHAVIOUR INSANITY FALL OUT OF LOVE ADULTERY CRUELTY INABILITY TO HAVE CHILDREN PHYSICAL DISABILITY IMPRISONMENT
Most important reason Least important Then you need to say why you chose them. ‘I chose this reason as the most important because…………………………..’ And ‘I chose this as the least important reason because……………’ Number the reasons from the previous slide (9) and place the numbers in the diamond in order of preference
Lesson outcomes GRADE C: will be able to express an opinion about the reasons why couples divorce GRADE B: will be able to identify the different Christian views about divorce GRADE A: will be able to give both sides of the argument when deciding whether divorce should be allowed or not
“ A man who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against his wife. In the same way, a woman who divorces her husband and marries another man, commits adultery.” (Mark 10:11-12) “…Any man who divorces his wife for any cause other than her unfaithfulness, commits adultery if he marries some other woman.” (Matt 19:9) “…A man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two will become one”…”No human being then must separate what God has joined together. (Mark 10:7-9)
TASK Read the sheet in front of you. Using your brain and the Bible quotes, fill in as many of the blanks as you can. Which denomination is likely to stick most closely to what the Bible says? Complete in pencil. We will go through the answers in THREE minutes.
Jesus and divorce Jesus said... “What God has joined together no man can separate”. This means Jesus thought divorce should not be allowed as it goes against the promises you made to God. This quote is always said at the end of a Christian wedding. However Christians have different opinions when it comes to divorce.
Roman Catholics and divorce Marriage is an agreement with God so divorce is wrong. Anyone who divorces and re-marries commits adultery. They do allow annulment which is when the marriage is cancelled BUT only if you didn't know what you were doing and you hadn't had sex.
Roman Catholic view – a clue
Protestants and divorce Divorce is wrong BUT they will allow it in some circumstances such as adultery. They also sometimes allow divorce because people can make mistakes and deserve a second chance, or if the divorce is the lesser of two evils. They sometimes allow re-marriage but you have to admit your mistakes and promise to do better in your new marriage.
Protestant view – a clue Divorce Abuse Which is less evil???
Church Attitudes WhoWhy The Roman Catholic Church (or just Catholics) Does not allow divorce Allows annulment Jesus said it was wrong (anyone who divorces his wife… and marries another commits adultery) Marriage is a sacrament (given by God) What is made by God should not be broken The couple must prove (one of the following) They did not understand Forced into marriage Marriage not consummated One was not baptised An annulment would require special permission Protestant (Church of England and Methodist) Divorce OK in some circumstances Allows re- marriage in church Jesus allowed divorce for adultery Humans make mistakes and relationships break down God forgives sin with forgiveness, those who divorce can still have happiness with another C of E sees marriages a lifelong commitment but understands that some circumstances happen that need divorce to be an option
Lesson outcomes GRADE C: will be able to express an opinion about the reasons why couples divorce GRADE B: will be able to identify the different Christian views about divorce GRADE A: will be able to give both sides of the argument when deciding whether divorce should be allowed or not
“Marriages should be for life” Do you agree? AgreeDisagree With your partner, note down in rough some points that you could use to answer this question. The “agree” points are going to be the religious arguments we have just looked at, but the “disagree” points you are going to have to work out for yourself!
I disagree because…. Divorce is relatively quick and inexpensive Divorce doesn’t have the negative stigma it used to People are less willing to put up with bad treatment from their partners People are less religious and do not feel so bound to their marriage vows
Exam practice Use your notes to attempt Q2 (both parts) on p28 of your revision workbook.
Lesson outcomes GRADE C: will be able to express an opinion about the reasons why couples divorce GRADE B: will be able to identify the different Christian views about divorce GRADE A: will be able to give both sides of the argument when deciding whether divorce should be allowed or not
Plenary Complete as much of this sheet as you can!