INTRODUCTION TO THE ETDP SETA The ETDP SETA was first established in 2000 in terms of the Skills Development Act of 1998 as part of the 25 other SETAs then - Re-licensed unchanged for the 2 nd time for the period 2005 – 2011 (23 SETAs) -Re-licensed (unchanged) for the third time for the period 2011 – 2016 (21 SETAs) - It is responsible for the facilitation and promotion of skills development (both employed and unemployed) in ETD sector
ETDP SETA Constituencies The sector is made up of these major constituencies: - Departments of Basic Education and Higher Education & Training, -ECD and ABET centres, -FET Institutions as employers, -Independent schools, -Public school governing bodies as employers, -Private education and training institutions, -Public higher education institutions, -Research organizations,
.... cont ETDP SETA Constituencies - Non Governmental Organizations (NGO’s), -Trade unions as employers, -Political parties as employers, -Libraries and archives
ETDP SETA Chambers All these 12 constituencies are represented at the ETDP SETA through five chambers: - Higher Education and Research; - Schooling (both public and private) - Early Childhood and Development (ECD) and Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) -Further Education and Training (FET) and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET); and -Education, Training and Development Provisioning and Practitioner Development
NSDS III (2011 – 2016) & SETA Strategy Our performance objectives are underpinned by the NSDS III goals -Establishing a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning; -Increasing access to occupationally-directed programmes; -Promoting the growth of a public FET system that is responsive sector, local, regional and national skills needs and priorities; -Addressing the low level of youth and adult language and numeracy skills to enable additional training
... Conti NSDS III (2011 – 2016) & SETA Strategy Our performance objectives are underpinned by the NSDS III goals -Encourage better used of workplace-based skills development; -Encouraging and supporting cooperatives, small enterprises, worker-initiated, NGO and community training initiatives; -Increasing public sector capacity for improved service delivery and supporting the building of a developmental state; and Building career and vocational guidance.
SEVEN NSDS 111 IMPERATIVES -Race -Class -Gender -Geography -Age -Disability -HIV and AIDS Pandemic
Rationale for Internship Programme -Lack of Jobs (low labour demand) -Lack of knowledge and skills -Lack of Experience -Lack of social skills (necessary for confidence to enter and to be successful in self employment )
What is an Internship Programme? -It is a planned progressive educational programme that provides for the integration of an intern’s academic studies and relative work experience in a professional environment. -It is a three way partnership between the employer, the interns and the ETDP SETA
Benefits to interns - Real world situation that allows you to apply theories and concepts learned in the classroom -Practical, essential, professional technological and personal skills that will help you achieve your goals -Realistic test career objectives -Gain valuable experience within your field
Benefits to interns - continued - A competitive edge in today’s job market -Better understanding of the work environment -Improve your career opportunities. -Have a personal mentor in the workplace
Benefits to Employers - Provides a golden opportunity to students to integrate classroom and workplace. -Increase the opportunity for employment. -Improves the capacity and competitiveness of the organization
Strategic Partnership with SAGDA - 50 Interns in Eastern Cape and Limpopo. -Support for rural provinces -Recruitment, placement and project management role by SAGDA -Extra support for the interns. -Monitoring of the interns at the workplace -Finding employment for the interns
Thank you! Contact Details: Gerrard Francis ETDP SETA Tel: (011) Fax: (011)