By: Harleen, Amisha, Giuliana, Zack & Francesco. The Roman laws and rules existed since 753 BC. The main two grouping amongst the people of Rome were.


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Presentation transcript:

By: Harleen, Amisha, Giuliana, Zack & Francesco

The Roman laws and rules existed since 753 BC. The main two grouping amongst the people of Rome were Plebeians and Patricians. Covered aspects of everyday Roman life such as; 1. Crime and punishment 2. Land and property ownership 3. Commerce and industry 4. Citizenship 5. Slavery 6. Local and state politics 7. Liability and damage to property 8. Preservation of peace q=ancient+roman+law&gs_l=img.3..0l j5j1j4j ac.1.42.img EaXdYN0qzeg#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=bJbY0kyP9aIMaM%253A%3BTPjUcbXkpRmJdM%3Bhttp%253

As the empire grew, populations got more diverse and so, the law and its protection acted as a binding force on communities. Instilled an expectation that a citizen's rights would be upheld and wrongs could be redressed j5j1j4j ac.1.42.img EaXdYN0qzeg#facrc=_&imgdii=h1WGJ5atR47RUM%3A%3BB1XsFfZHl56LmM %3Bh1WGJ5atR47RUM%3A&

The most important legislation was the “12 tables” which was made in 451BC-450BC. The edicts, written in 367BC, was the second type of written law. It aimed to control the expanding legal work. The third type of written law was the senate. It was created to assist the emperor when there were a lot of proposals to examine. n+law&gs_l=img.3..0l j5j1j4j ac.1.42.img EaXdYN0qzeg#q=benefit s+of+ancient+roman+law&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=yaJb0SvPuicCmM%3A%3BzXN52Qe0gSIzPM%3ByaJb0SvPuicCmM%3A&i mmons%252Fa%252Fa3%252FMaccari- ent+roman+law&gs_l=img.3..0l j5j1j4j ac.1.42.img EaXd YN0qzeg#facrc=_&imgdii=h1WGJ5atR47RUM%3A%3BB1XsFfZHl56LmM%3Bh1WGJ5atR47RUM%3A&imgrc=h1WGJ5at

The Roman Republic wanted to ensure that the laws applied to both the rich and poor alike, and thus, the Twelve Tables were created. These laws were displayed in the forum for all citizens to see. They are called the Twelve Tables because there are 12 different sections which covered crime and property and family matters like marriage and inheritance j5j1j4j ac.1.42.img EaXdYN0qzeg#q=benefits+of+ancient+roman+law&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=yaJb0SvPuicCmM%3A%3BzXN52 Qe0gSIzPM%3ByaJb0SvPuicCmM%3A&

The Twelve Tables was displayed in the forum to ensure that all citizens were aware of the laws. m&oq=the+twelve+tables+in+the+forum&gs_l=img j3j7j2j3j0j ac img oUpDy_PjYdM#facrc=_&imgdii=sa7lnfz-F8G-DM%3A%3BRFnc3tKBX9IU1M%3Bsa7lnfz-F8G- DM%3A&imgrc=sa7lnfz-F8G- tables1.jpg%252F %252F520x390%252F12%252520tables1.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fduxfemina.wikispac roman+law&gs_l=img.3..0l j5j1j4j ac.1.42.img EaXdYN0qz eg#q=the+senate+of+ancient+rome&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=eClvQa3kYzHYvM%253A%3Bh0yhnV4aUXoos SystemOfGovernment.html%3B937%3B288

The twelve tables in the Roman law are significant because it codified a set of rules and standards to follow. Before twelve tables, decisions about conflicts were decided by a judges discretion. The twelve tables provided judges with a standard set of rules and punishments. +twelve+tables+in+the+forum&oq=the+twelve+tables+in+the+forum&gs_l=img j3j7j2j3j0j ac.1.42.img oUpDy_PjYdM#q =ancient+roman+law&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=EZqsZ1o4UWa3oM%253A%3B5m %252FRoman%252520Education%252520Tertiary.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.classba

Table III. One who has confessed a debt, or against whom judgment has been pronounced, shall have thirty days to pay it in. After that forcible seizure of his person is allowed. Table IV. If a father sell his son three times, the son shall be free from his father. Table V. Females should remain in guardianship even when they have attained their majority. Table XI. Marriages should not take place between plebeians and patricians. Table XII. Whatever the people had last ordained should be held as binding by law

Punishments given to slaves: Lashes were most common Tied down and beaten Branded on the forehead For capital offences the punishment was crucifixion q=the+twelve+tables+in+the+forum&gs_l=img j3j7j2j3j0j ac.1.42.img oUpDy_PjYdM#q=ancient+roman+punishment+branding+forehead&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=BFpJ- yapT- %252Fgreek- 56%3B242 n+the+forum&oq=the+twelve+tables+in+the+forum&gs_l=img j 3j7j2j3j0j ac.1.42.img oUpDy_PjYdM#q=ancient+roman+pupunishme&spell=1&tbm=isch &facrc=_&imgdii=UTu9V2pnTP3L9M%3A%3BU1ADiyPuYx0RKM%3BUTu9V2pnTP3L9M%3A&imgrc=UTu9V military%252Fmil_soldiers_life.htm%3B341%3B tables+in+the+forum&oq=the+twelve+tables+in+the+forum&gs_l=img j3j7j2j3j0j ac.1.42.img oUpDy_PjYdM#q=ancient+roman+puni shment&spell=1&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=P25ScJwx53kXVM%253A%3B87d9N5YvWgVD guilty-about-owning-slaves%3B1535%3B872

Punishments for forgery: Banishment Fines Bonds If a slave commits forgery, they can be sentenced to death Death Penalties Include: Beheading Crucifixion Strangling Being buried alive Being thrown into the river or from the Tarpeian Rock q=the+twelve+tables+in+the+forum&gs_l=img j3j7j2j3j0j ac.1.42.img oUpDy_PjYdM#q=ancient+roman+punishment+beheading&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=NgX2e1Bu80tiW content%252Fuploads%252F2014%252F03%252Fchristian_dirce- e emperor-who-ordered-the-execution-of-st-paul%252F%3B500%3B242 twelve+tables+in+the+forum&gs_l=img j3j7j2j3j0j ac.1.42.img oUp Dy_PjYdM#q=ancient+roman+punishment+banishment&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=fJK-uhahoEh1wM%253A%3B- 8aN93z2QI9LSM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.heritage-

Alchin, L.K. “Roman Law.” Tribunes and Triumphs, last modified April 23, 2012, law.htm Cartwright, Mark. “Roman Law.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, last modified November 24, 2013, Donn. “The Twelve Tables.” Ancient Rome for Kids, last modified February 2008, Kreis, Steven. “The Laws of the Twelve Tables, c.450 B.C.” The History Guide, last modified August 3, 2009, UNRV History. “Ancient Roman Laws.” Roman Empire: Ancient Roman Laws,