1 Central European Initiative (CEI) Workshop – “Economic importance of tourism and measurement of its impact in CEI member states” 17 – 18 October 2007,


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Presentation transcript:

1 Central European Initiative (CEI) Workshop – “Economic importance of tourism and measurement of its impact in CEI member states” 17 – 18 October 2007, Dolenjske Toplice, Slovenia Present and future of TSA in the EU Tourism statistics

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 2 Outline of the presentation  Tourism:a fast growing economic sector  TSA implementation: state of affairs in the EU  TSA methodology: international initiatives  Eurostat activities in the field of TSA  Update of the tourism statistics legislation  Two years project on TSA ( )

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 3 Growth of European tourism participation From 1998 to 2005, the number of long trips made has increased with 18% (aggregate based on BE, DK, DE, IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, LU, NL, AT, PT, FI, UK)

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 4 Growth of European tourism participation Short holidays are the fastest growing segment of the tourism market, with slightly faster growth in domestic short breaks compared to short breaks abroad (aggregate based on BE, DK, DE, EL, ES, FR, IT, LU, PT, FI, UK)

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 5 Growth of nights spent in the EU The number of tourism nights in accommodation establishments in the EU is growing faster than the overall economic activity

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 6 Growth of European tourism receipts From 1998 to 2005, the tourism receipts have increased with 75%, compared to 57% GDP growth over the same period

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 7 TSA implementation in the EU: state of affairs Mainly supported by EC grants (DG ENTR):  TSA implemented in 11 Member States  Compilation work has started or is being prepared in another 6 Member States  Feasibility studies conducted in 2 Member States  No actions yet in 7 Member States (BG, EL, EE, LT, LU, RO, SK)

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 8 TSA implementation in the EU: problems Completeness : many TSA don’t cover all tables and/or all variables Comparability :  Often not compliant with TSA methodology (TSA-RMF, EIM)  Use of non-comparable and non-harmonised estimation methods

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 9 TSA methodology: international initiatives Tourism Satellite Accounts – Recommended Methodological Framework (TSA-RMF) [2000]  Jointly elaborated by UNWTO, OECD and Eurostat  Under revision:  Currently on the UNWTO website for comments (until 5 Nov)  Will be submitted to the UN Statistical Committee in Feb 2008 European Implementation Manual on TSA [2002] 3 manuals on TSA elaborated by the UNWTO [ ] : a producer manual, a user manual and an educators' manual Best practices guide elaborated by Eurostat [2009] : “cookbook” for European TSA compilers (see further)

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 10 Eurostat activities in the field of TSA: update of the tourism statistics legislation Current legal basis: Directive 95/57/EC [1995] Capacity data (collective accommodation establishments) Occupancy data (collective accommodation establishments) Tourism demand data (household surveys, border surveys) Some minor updates in the past decade: To include changes in the tourism markets To cover the enlarged European Union (2004 and 2006)  Major update is indispensable to be up-to-date with changing user needs and changes in the tourism market

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 11 New tourism statistics legislation: main objectives of the revision Adapt to new or changed user needs update list of variables change data collection frequency improved timeliness Further harmonisation of variables & methods improvement of comparability and completeness Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) probably too immature to be fully included in the Regulation But …include basic elements necessary for TSA compilation

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 12 New tourism statistics legislation: timing Long-term project… : discussions in Task Forces & Working Groups 1st half of 2008: agreement at ESS level (SPC), Commission proposal to the EP and the Council : co-decision procedure By end of 2009: publication of the Regulation on Tourism Statistics in the Official Journal of the EU 2010: first reference year In the course of 2010 and 2011: first data transmission to Eurostat Note: this is the ‘optimistic’ scenario…

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 13 New tourism statistics legislation issues with relevance for TSA  Better coverage of private accommodation To complete the supply side information on collective accommodation with demand side estimates Both private rental accommodation and private non-rental accommodation  More complete estimates of total visitor flows from one country into another country

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 14 Trips and nights by type of accommodation

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 15 New tourism statistics legislation issues with relevance for TSA (2)  Inclusion of same-day visitors (under discussion) Estimated to represent up to 40% of total tourism added value (domestic and inbound) Currently not included in European tourism statistics Estimates from the demand side (household, inbound or border surveys) are under consideration  More complete estimates of total visitor flows from one country into another country  Task Force at Eurostat in December 2007

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 16 New tourism statistics legislation issues with relevance for TSA (3)  Better coverage of data on expenditure Information on expenditure for the individual and not for the entire travel party Breakdown by  Transport  Accommodation  Other  Better estimates for tourist expenditure that can be used as direct input or indirect auxiliary parameters for TSA

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 17 New tourism statistics legislation issues with relevance for TSA (4)  More detailed information about the destination Breakdown between number or nights spent nationally and nights spent abroad on outbound trips  More comprehensive coverage of trips All tourism trips, regardless of the length of stay, the purpose or the destination, will be part of the scope of the data collection for the forthcoming Regulation

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 18 New tourism statistics legislation issues with relevance for TSA (5)  Transmission of micro-data (demand side)  More detailed analysis will be possible  More flexibility to ad hoc user requests  Via Eurostat, NSIs will be able to exchange information with partner countries  e.g. estimates of same-day trips by residents  e.g. estimates of expenditure by residents Limitations: EU demand side statistics do not capture inbound tourism trips by non EU residents, but …

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 19 … a dominating position of intra-EU tourism Nights spent in collective accommodation in the EU (share of residents, share of other EU Member States’ residents, share of non-EU residents) Holiday trips (4 nights or more) by EU residents (share of domestic holiday trips, holiday trips within the European Union and holiday trips outside the European Union)

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 20 Eurostat’s TSA project ( ) objectives Focal points: Comparative assessment of the methodologies applied and of the results achieved Collection and exchange of best practices in compiling Tourism Satellite Accounts Direct methodological support for the Member States Identification of key TSA figures

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 21 Eurostat’s TSA project ( ) objectives (2) Actions: 1.Assessment of the state of the art concerning the implementation of TSA in the Member States of the EU  Stock-taking of the work done  Assessment of the methodologies used and of their compliance with the international standards in terms of comparability and completeness  Problems encountered, possible obstacles to start the work, … 2.Directory of best practices which are relevant for other countries compiling TSAs, focusing on  Best use of existing statistical sources in the Member States  Estimation methods for missing data

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 22 Eurostat’s TSA project ( ) objectives (3) Actions (continued): 3.Organization of the exchange of best practices and experience in compiling TSA  Individual consultancy missions  Multi-country workshops 4.Development of key figures for an intermediate update of basic TSA information  Provide information on the evolution of the tourism sector in the various Member States in those intermediate periods for which a comprehensive TSA is not being compiled

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 23 Eurostat’s TSA project ( ) timetable Phase 1: Jan 2008 – Oct 2008 –Country-specific progress reports [May 2008] –Comparative analysis report on TSA implementation in the EU Member States [June 2008] –Draft best practices guide [June 2008] –Workshop [Sep/Oct 2008]

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 24 Eurostat’s TSA project ( ) timetable (2) Phase 2: Oct Aug 2008 –Technical assistance missions [Oct 2008 – March 2009] –Best practices guide [May 2009] –2nd workshop [June/July 2009] –Key TSA figures report [May 2009]

CEI Workshop - TSA 17 – 18 October 2007 Present and future of TSA in the European Union 25 Further information Contact Eurostat Unit F6 - Information Society and Tourism Statistics  Christophe Demunter  Ulrich Spörel – TSA project Data All data is available on the Eurostat website, including estimates of employment in tourism (from LFS) – Dedicated section on Tourism Statistics –