Some International Context
Topics Some International Context Data Revolution Sustainable Development Goals Globalisation Ireland’s role
International Context High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons (2013) Transformative Shift – Data Revolution …a new international initiative to improve the quality of statistics and information
International Context 000 Data Revolution Good points 1.Importance of geospatial/regional/local data 2.Need for adequate funding 3.'Access' to data 4.Organisation of data to facilitate re-use 5.Links ‘data’ and ‘inequality’ Lost opportunities 1.Link to wellbeing 2.Insufficient emphasis given to basic building blocks – infrastructure 3.Globalised data and the implications for production 4.Data a new frontier of inequality - making 'data' a SDG goal in and of itself 5.Access (data protection)
International Context From Millennium to Sustainable 8 Goals 24 Sub-targets 17 Goals; 169 Sub-targets
International Context Stupid Development Goals?
International Context Sustainable Development Goals 1.End poverty 2.End hunger 3.Wellbeing 4.Quality education 5.Gender equality 6.Reduce inequality 7.Decent work for all 8.Technology to benefit all 9.Water and Sanitation for all 10.Affordable and sustainable Energy 11.Safe cities and communities 12.Responsible consumption by all 13.Stop climate change 14.Protect the Ocean 15.Take care of the earth 16.Live in peace 17.Mechanisms and partnerships to reach the goals
International Context
Ireland’s role Global influence