1 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Tourism Statistics in Davao City Discussion by Romulo A. Virola National Statistical Coordination Board Assembly for owners and operators of accommodation establishments in Davao City 10 May 2012, Davao City
2 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD OUTLINE I.Introduction A.Importance of tourism, statistics & tourism statistics B.Statistics on accommodation establishments II.Policy issues A.Philippine tourism vs. selected ASEAN B.Domestic vs. inbound tourism
3 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD I. INTRODUCTION Importance of Tourism, Statistics & Tourism Statistics Economic contribution of Tourism is recognized worldwide income generation employment generation Investment generation foreign exchange generation Countries like France, Thailand, thrive on tourism with share to GDP of 6.3% (2006), and 6.7% (2007), respectively
4 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD I. INTRODUCTION In the Philippines, For the years 2000 to 2010, tourism contributed on the average, about 5.8 percent to GDP !
5 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD I. INTRODUCTION In the Philippines For the years , tourism contributed on the average, about 9.7 per cent to total employment! Source of basic data: Labor Force Survey, NSO
6 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Importance & Trends of Tourism: Globally Tourism has benefited from the fast paced globalization. UNWTO says International travelers have been growing at an average of: 5.7% annually in 2003 – 2008 expanding by 6.6% in 2010 from a decline of 3.8% in 2009 In a decade, it grew by 259 million, reaching 940 million travelers by the end of 2010 I. INTRODUCTION
7 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Importance & Trends of Tourism: Globally Tourism has benefited from the fast paced globalization. UNWTO says For the 6-year period from , tourist receipts grew at an average of 6.4% annually UNWTO's Tourism 2020 Vision forecasts that international arrivals will reach nearly 1.6 billion by the year 2020 I. INTRODUCTION
8 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Importance & Trends of Tourism: Locally The Philippine Development Plan considers tourism as a key sector for development in Tourism receipts grew at an annual rate of 3.8%, from US$ 1.99 billion in 2004 to US$ 2.49 billion in 2010 Tourism receipts to Total Exports ratio is at 4.8% annually from Philippine tourism – “beyond the usual ” I. INTRODUCTION
9 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Importance & Trends of Tourism: Locally Philippine tourism – “beyond the usual ” Visitor arrivals - annual growth of 5.5% during the last 4 years, 6.1% during the last 5 and 5.9% during the last 10, reaching 3.9 million visitors by the end of 2011, and 1.15 million in the first quarter of 2012 I. INTRODUCTION
10 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Importance & Trends of Tourism: Locally Philippine tourism – “beyond the usual ” Visitors counted by the DOT from accommodation establishments in 2010: 17.0 million or 78.3% - domestic visitors 4.5 million or 20.6 % - foreign visitors 0.2 million or 1.0 % - “balikbayans” For the first semester of 2011: 5.8 million or 69.6 % - domestic visitors 2.4 million or 29.1 % - foreign visitors 0.1 million or 1.3 % - “balikbayans” I. INTRODUCTION
11 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD I. INTRODUCTION Importance of Tourism, Statistics & Tourism Statistics However, we have not succeeded in benefiting from the enormous potential of Tourism Tourism is now given greater recognition in the PDP as one of the key drivers of our economic growth The international development community has recognized The critical role of statistics towards evidence- based decision-making, towards informed decisions, and That better statistics contribute to better development outcomes
12 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD I. INTRODUCTION Importance of Tourism, Statistics & Tourism Statistics To be able to maximize the contribution of tourism to development, We need STATISTICS We need tourism statistics We need tourism statistics at the local level (in tourist destination areas)
13 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Importance & Trends of Tourism: Locally Visitors counted by the DOT from accommodation establishments in 2010: 1.Cam Sur – 2.33 million visitors 2.Metro Manila – 2.30 million visitors 3.Cebu – 1.77 million visitors 4.Boracay Island – 0.78 million visitors 5.Baguio City – 0.74 million visitors 6.Davao City – 0.68 million visitors I. INTRODUCTION
14 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Year Boracay growth rates (%) Palawan growth rates (%) Davao City growth rates (%) Bali growth rates (%) Phuket growth rates (%) ,475 15,675 68, , , , , , , , , , ,525, , , , ,454, , , , ,328, , , , ,741, , , , ,081, , , , ,384, ,183, , , , ,546, ,692, Source: Department of Tourism (DOT) Directorate General of Immigration and Center Statistic Board, Indonesia Phuket Magazine, posted May 23, 2011 I. INTRODUCTION
15 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Source: Department of Tourism (DOT) Directorate General of Immigration and Center Statistic Board, Indonesia Phuket Magazine, posted May 23, 2011 Of the foreign visitors received by Bali in 2010, Boracay received only 10.9 percent, Palawan, 5.0 percent, and Davao City, 2.3 percent I. INTRODUCTION
16 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Source: Department of Tourism (DOT) Directorate General of Immigration and Center Statistic Board, Indonesia Phuket Magazine, posted May 23, 2011 On the other hand, Boracay received only 16.5 percent, Palawan, 7.5 percent, and Davao City, 3.4 percent of the foreign visitors received by Phuket in 2010 I. INTRODUCTION
17 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Statistics on accommodation establishments 2009 Survey of Tourism Establishment in the Philippines (STEP) Philippines had a total of 1,475 accommodation establishments Hotels and motels - 1,317 establishments or 89.3 percent of the total Pension houses establishments or 7.7 percent Short-stay accommodation - 45 establishments or 3 percent I. INTRODUCTION
18 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Accommodation establishments by region National Capital Region (NCR) establishments or 19.7 percent of the total Western Visayas (Region VI) – 188 or 12.7 percent Central Visayas (Region VII) or 12.7 percent CALABARZON or 9.5 percent Davao Region (Region XI) – 51 or 3.4 percent I. INTRODUCTION
19 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Employment in accommodation establishments Philippines – 55,150 employees NCR - 17,470 employees or 31.7 percent Region VII - 8,530 or 15.5 percent Region VI - 6,124 or 11.1 percent Davao Region - 2,534 or 4.7 percent Hotels and motels - 53,544 employees or 97.1 percent of the total Pension houses - 1,110 or 2.0 percent Other short-stay accommodation, n.e.c. 496 or 0.9 percent I. INTRODUCTION
20 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Revenue from accommodation establishments I. INTRODUCTION
21 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Revenue from accommodation establishments NCR - PhP21.5 billion or 52.2 percent Region VII - PhP6.9 billion or 16.6 percent Region VI - PhP2.7 billion or 6.5 percent Other regions which realized over a billion revenues were: Region III Region IVA Region IVB Region XI I. INTRODUCTION
22 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Average length of stay in accommodation establishments * Figures are in days. Source: 2007 Compendium of Philippine Tourism Statistics. I. INTRODUCTION
23 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Average length of stay in accommodation establishments in the Philippines among the highest In the region, second only to Indonesia * Figures are in days. Source: 2007 Compendium of Philippine Tourism Statistics. I. INTRODUCTION
24 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD The Philippines likewise ranks second in average occupancy rate in accommodation establishments I. INTRODUCTION
25 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Domestic vs. Inbound tourism Domestic tourism expenditure posts double digit growth In 2010!
26 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Hotel rates in the ASEAN I. INTRODUCTION
27 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD The years 1970s and early 1980s saw Philippine tourism flourishing but declined in the mid 1980s, and recovering in the early 1990’s Table Philippines vs ASEAN countries Comparison with ASEAN II. POLICY ISSUES
28 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Among 7 ASEAN countries the Philippines share of visitor arrivals hovers around 5.0 – 5.5% Source: World Tourism Organization (WTO)
29 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Between 2004 and 2010, growth of visitor arrivals in the Philippines was higher than Singapore, Thailand, & Indonesia Source: World Tourism Organization (WTO)
30 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Domestic vs. Inbound tourism Inbound tourism expenditure on the rise!
31 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Domestic vs. Inbound tourism Share of inbound tourism expenditure to exports on a downtrend – below 4% in the last three years!
32 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Domestic vs. Inbound tourism Share of Domestic tourism expenditure to HFCE increasing once again after the global crisis in 2008!
33 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Domestic vs. Inbound tourism Domestic tourism expenditure about 6 times as much as Inbound tourism expenditure!
34 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Domestic Tourism in China
36 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Philippine Statistical System (PSS) A decentralized system - policy-making body, data producers, users, research and training institutions, and data providers The PSS is the government-wide system of providing statistical information and services to the public. Institutional Partnerships
37 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Role of DOT, NSCB, LGUs, Academe, & Policy makers Data Producers: DOT, NSO, LGUs Statistical Training, Education and Research Institutions: SRTC, theAcademe The policy-making and coordinating body: NSCB Several statistical coordination mechanisms- IAC-TS Compiler of GDP and poverty statistics Compiler of Sexy Statistics Spearheads the formulation of the Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP) Compiler of the Philippine Tourism Satellite Accounts (PTSA) with the DOT Institutional Partnerships
38 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Importance of LGU initiatives in the generation of statistics: Decentralization has empowered LGUs LGUs need statistics for local development planning, local policy formulation LGUs know best what statistics they need to respond to the information requirements of the priority programs in their development agenda National statistical agencies and national agencies have limited resources Institutional Partnerships
39 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD HAS TOURISM Increased the income of the LGU? Increased the income of the local residents? Increased the income of the low income groups? Reduced poverty in the locality? OR HAS TOURISM Only incurred high social cost to the locality? Only raised mainly the income of the rich owners of business establishments in the locality? IV. WHAT NEXT? First, we need to answer some questions!
40 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD After JICA project, --- what now? Institutionalization Improvement of the survey design Replication of the survey in other municipalities/cities/provinces, prioritizing the tourist destination areas Commitment of the DOT/DBM/LGUs to provide/share funds for the activities Cost sharing among national and local government agencies. Development of the TSA for Dauis, Iloilo City, and Cebu But to do this, we need to recognize the importance of high quality statistics! IV. WHAT NEXT?
41 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Needtoinvestin STATISTICS ! IV. WHAT NEXT?
43 Davao City Conference RAVirola/10 May 2012 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD Maraming Salamat po! URL: