Rockets and Satellites EQ: How do rockets travel in space?
EQ: How do rockets travel in space? How Rockets Work A rocket moves forward when gas expelled from the rear of a rocket pushes it in the opposite direction Basic law of physics For every force, or action, there is an equal and opposite force or reaction. EQ: How do rockets travel in space?
EQ: How do rockets travel in space? Rockets in Space A rocket moves forward when gases expelled from the rear of the rocket push it in the opposite direction In a rocket, fuel is burned to make a hot gas This hot gas is forced out of narrow nozzles in the back of the rocket, propelling the rocket forward EQ: How do rockets travel in space?
Multistage Rockets First rockets were developed by the Chinese in the year 1000 They used gunpowder for fuel Gunpowder burned quickly – so there was not enough to get the rocket out of the atmosphere Gunpowder is extremely explosive EQ: How do rockets travel in space?
EQ: How do rockets travel in space? Robert H. Goddard American Scientist In the 1920s he experimented with fuels and found a liquid fuel that provided continuous power EQ: How do rockets travel in space?
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky Russian Scientist Developed a rocket that breaks apart as fuel is used Once a stage uses up its fuel, the container drops off and the next stage ignites EQ: How do rockets travel in space?
EQ: How do rockets travel in space? Saturn V Carried astronauts to the moon Developed in 1950s and 1960s Multistage rocket EQ: How do rockets travel in space?
Artificial Satellites October 4, 1957 – Soviet Union successfully launched a satellite into orbit around the earth Satellite – a natural or artificial object that revolves around an object in space The name of the satellite was Sputnik 1 EQ: How do rockets travel in space?
Yuri Gagarin First person in space Orbited earth on April 12, 1961 EQ: How do rockets travel in space?
Geosynchronous Orbits Orbits that hold satellites that revolve around the earth at the same rate the Earth rotates Used to relay tv signals and map weather patterns NASA began development of new communication satellites in 1960, based on the hypothesis that geosynchronous satellites, which orbit Earth 22,300 miles (35,900 km) above the ground, offered the best location because the high orbit allowed the satellites' orbital speed to match the rotation speed of Earth and therefore remain essentially stable over the same spot. EQ: How do rockets travel in space?
EQ: How do rockets travel in space? Space Station Large space satellite in which people live for long periods of time International Space Station Built by 16 countries EQ: How do rockets travel in space?
Space Shuttle Reusable space rocket used to “shuttle” back and forth between earth and space to launch astronauts and equipment into space EQ: How do rockets travel in space?
Class Work and Homework Fill In What did I learn Confused Say Read pages J 35 – J38 Review and Reinforce worksheet EQ: How do rockets travel in space?