Born Andrew Warhola, August 6,1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Known for his Printmaking, painting, cinema, and photography Campbell's soup cans Celebrity icons such as Marilyn Monroe Andy began his career as a commercial artist. His drawings appeared in many fashion magazines Andy was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art.
Andy Warhol was born on August 6 th, the youngest of three boys. His parents Andrej and Julia Warhola, immigrated from Czechoslovakia. At 6 years old, he developed Sydenham's chorea (aka St. Vitus Dance) he stayed home and missed a lot of school because he was placed on bed rest. Due to not being able to go anywhere, his mother and brothers showed him how trace, draw and even print images so he wouldn’t be bored. Once he entered, high school, he took art classes on campus and at a Museum. He graduated high school at the age of 16 in He then went off to college and attended Carnegie Institute of Technology, where he graduated in 1949 with a major in pictorial design.
One of the biggest struggles Andy went through, was his sexuality. Although he was homosexual, he was a dedicated Catholic. On June 3, 1968, radical feminist writer Valerie Solanas shot Warhol in his own art studio.
This piece of work would be described as Pop Art, during the time he created the artwork Marilyn Monroe was very popular, it encompass modern pop culture. It uses bright colors as well.
REPITION, was used a lot through out Warhol’s works. He painted things that people didn’t see as art.
Dollar Sign, 1981 acrylic and silkscreen ink on linen
In the 1950’s, Andy began to become recognized for his ink drawings for shoe advertisement. He started to received illustration work from all of the major fashion magazines, such as Glamour and Vogue. Throughout the 1950s he was prolific in illustrating fashion ads, books, record albums and many other promotional items. The advertising world of the 1950s groomed him well for his venture into the art world of the 60s.
After working on this power point about Andy Warhol, I learned a lot about him. I admire Warhol as a painter, filmmaker and printmaker. His pop art is by far my favorite, the use the bright colors and celebrities is very admirable.