By: Natalie Zoglman
Branch of engineering
Paper converting Mechanics Kinematics Robotics Etc.
Very high employment
automobile, chemical, electronics, steel plants, oil exploration and refining, technical wings of armed forces, space research organization, etc.
Beginning pay: $50,000-$60,000 Average pay: $75,000-$100,000 Top pay: 200,000+
managing multi-million dollar projects maintaining operation of manufacturing of product ensuring the quality of products that are sold Etc.
Algebra Pre calculus/calculus Chemistry Physics Etc.
California State University
What is your position? Director of Engineering and Maintenance How log have you worked as a mechanical engineer? 21 years What is your specialty in mechanical engineering? Paper converting
What are some responsibilities would a mechanical engineer have? This is a field that can open many different types of opportunities; you can be a process engineer, quality engineer, project engineer, or manufacturing operations. These responsibilities could include managing multi-million dollar projects, maintaining operation of manufacturing of product, ensuring the quality of products that are sold, or overall operation and function of the equipment that makes the product. What are some of the projects you've worked on? Building a brand new facility, installing new lines, continuous improvement projects, and installing upgrades to existing lines. These projects can range in cost from a few thousand to hundreds of millions of dollars. How lengthy are your usual projects? Weeks to years. The last major project I did lasted 2 1/2 years.
What are the advantages of this occupation? Always changing and always challenging. Pay is good. Continuous learning curve. Are there any disadvantages? Travel which causes times away from family, stress and pressure of managing huge multi-million dollar projects. How about advancement opportunities? If you are good at what you do they are unlimited. I started out as a rookie engineer in a design firm working for other engineers and I am now a Director of Engineering.
What are the beginning, average, and top pay one could expect to earn? Beginning pay right now is around $50,000-$60,000/year as a new engineer. After you have some experience with management of projects it is probably around $75,000- $100,000. Top pay could be $200, How many hours do you work per week? Around 50+. When projects are at the implementation level it can be more since you are responsible for its success or failure. Were there any tests or licenses you had to get before becoming an engineer? Not for a Mechanical, but there are many certifications you can work for. If you work for the government you may be required to become licensed.
What is your most satisfying experience so far? It would have been when I worked as an Operations Manager...not really even working as an engineer in one of my positions. I used my engineering processes and skills to manage the job though. We took over a business of Johnson & Johnson's and converted it to another companies operation and never had any issues or hiccups in the manufacturing process. Not an easy thing to do. Is there anything else you would like to add? I really enjoy being an engineer. Engineering is about solving problems and making money for the company you work for. This can be from cost savings or introduction of new products using a new manufacturing process.
"Define:mechanical Engineering - Google Search." Google. Web. 07 Nov Areas of Specialization for Mechanical Engineering." Career Toolkits | List of Careers. Web. 07 Nov "How to Become a Mechanical Engineer - WikiHow." WikiHow - The How-to Manual That You Can Edit. Web. 07 Nov Department of Mechanical Engineering. Web. 07 Nov chanical/jobprospects.htm