Introducing Liberal Arts Professor James Clark
What is Liberal Arts? An approach to undergraduate study that ensures: depth of knowledge and breadth of experience combining: subject expertise and essential skills for the contemporary graduate in: Languages Quantitative methods and applications Workplace experience Global awareness Communication
Why Liberal Arts? Adding value to the undergraduate experience in the research-intensive HEI A global gold-standard inflected in the UK HE environment Bespoke pathways of study International exchange opportunities A route to advanced learning Employability
Building a Liberal Arts programme CORE STUDY MODULES Connecting the Arts, Humanities, Social & Life sciences SKILLS MODULES Developing a tool-kit for study and employment ++ AN INDIVIDUAL MENU OF SUBJECT STUDIES Extending knowledge in breadth and depth Archaeology Anthropology Classics English History History of Art Modern Languages Philosophy Politics Theology Or themes (e.g.): Film Gender Medieval Studies Visual culture
Liberal Arts progression Level 1Core + Skills + Subject exploration Level 2Core + Skills + Subject Major & Minor Level 4Master’s Study Level 3Study AbroadLevel 3Subject: Major & Minor Independent Research 3 years = BA Liberal Arts (Subject major specified) 4 years = MA Liberal Arts (Subject major specified)
Liberal Arts experience Workplace projects and placements: Government Media Cultural organisations Education Business An introduction to Postgraduate Research
UK Liberal Arts: 2014 and beyond Progression International Study Postgraduate routes Global employment Delivery Cross-University study pathways International HE exchange network Employer partners