8/15/ AAR Car Service Directives ACACSO Lisa Gering May 9, 2013
Agenda What is an AAR Car Service Directive (CSD)? Relationship between CSDs / UMLER Pools / Transportation Code / Transportation Condition Codes Car Service Directives CSD 145 CSD 150 CSD 175 CSD 435 Resources 8/15/2015 2
3 Car Service Directives Car Service Directives govern the return of empty cars for railroad marked or railroad controlled private cars. Car Management teams use Transportation Codes (TC) and Transportation Condition Codes (TCC) to manage empty car return for cars in assignment to UMLER Pools and for Mechanical or age related circumstances. For all AAR Car Service Directives the car owner can issue handling instructions different from the standard return rules in the directive, but the holding road can exercise it’s option to comply or return the car under provisions of the directive.
Pool Codes 8/15/ PoolDescriptionNo. of cars C16 C Pool – specific shipper at a specific location46,996 GContaminated200 JAgent Pool (CSD 145 – Loading Exception)3,679 NNational Pool – similar to ‘C’ except the equipment is not assigned to a specific shipper or loading point 74,108 ORecall pools – lease termination, shop737 PCommodity Pool166,862 RAgent Pool52,324 UUnassigned per CSD – 150 WUnassigned Covered Hopper Cars17,065
CSD 145 All car types (CSD 145) except covered hoppers (CSD 435). Cars in UMLER Pool Assignment assigned to shippers (C), agent (R), or commodity (P) pools: Return empty to shipper or agent at loading point in reverse of loaded movement. Cars in UMLER Pool Assignment assigned to national pools (N): Handled per owners instructions (N national pools). Cars with TC of ‘G’ (contaminated) must be handled in reverse of the loaded movement to the original loading road. Exception: cars with TC of J may be reloaded. 8/15/2015 5
CSD 150 Unassigned cars except covered hoppers Transportation code U Loaded to or via the home road; or Empty to car owner by reverse route; or To car owner by direct connection if not mechanical designation FA, GTR, GTS, GWSR, HKR, HKS, HMA, HMS, HMSR, HTR, HTS, HTSR, LF, LP, LM, LS, RC, RP Transportation code TU Loaded to or via the home road; or Empty to car owner by reverse route; or Deliver empty under the provisions of SCO90 8/15/2015 6
CSD 175 Cars in UMLER Pool Assignment for Recall (O) lease termination / Shopping / Reassignment pools: Transportation code O: - Handled per owner’s instructions; or - Delivered empty to home road at any junction; or - Returned empty to the delivering road at the junction received if that junction is not a junction with the home road; or - Loaded to the home road Transportation code TO: - Same as above; plus - Delivered empty under the provisions of SCO90 8/15/2015 7
CSD 435 Cars in UMLER Pool Assignment; same as CSD 145 Unassigned Covered Hopper cars, TC/TCC W. Return the car to the home road at any junction; or Return the car reverse route 8/15/2015 8
AAR Circular TD-5 8/15/ Note: the chart above represents only a portion of the entire chart which can be found in the Circular OT-10 on the RAILINC.COM website.
Resources RAILINC.COM – Circular Number OT-10 RAILINC.COM – UMLER Specification Manual ACACSO.ORG / Presentations Nov ‘Transportation Codes & Transportation Condition Codes – Todd Poland Nov 2011 – ‘Transportation Codes’ – Dale Cassels May 2012 – ‘Equipment Pools’ – Lynn Brown 8/15/