IA-DMM Measures and Results for Year 1
Cohort 1 as of 6/23
Cohort 2 as of 6/23
IA-DMM Communication and Information Sharing Review IA-DMM website 91% have visited and used materials Weekly s 76% read and use consistently Routines Module 50% have watched and want more on line learning Social Media- Will use: 60% - Facebook; 60% - Google Hangout Contacting IA-DMM preferred by 100%; phone used by half Highly rated for responsiveness of contacts
How important was… 4.2Participating in the external coaching session 4.2Problem solving with your peer 4.0Observing your own video 4.0Setting goals for next session 4.0Completing the self assessment 3.8Planning for the session when collecting the video 3.8Reflecting on the external coach’s feedback 3.4Observing your peer partners video
And other things we learned. 85% prefer use of video conferencing 86% found identification of different coaching strategies very important to making change in practice 84% found SS-OO-PP-RR very useful framework to apply to their home visiting practices 84% found Key Indicators very useful as a professional development tool and to encourage recommended practice 80% agreed it was useful to get feedback on routines Website resources – 83%; Monthly webinars – 78%; Friday s – 57%
Observational Data Summary Most frequently used routine- Play (but without toy bags) Talk about but challenged to identify other priorities with family Increased use of caregiving routines(e.g. snack, dressing, hygiene) Biggest challenges regarding coaching strategies- Using specific coaching strategies IN routines (beyond couch coaching) Using problem solving and reflection to increase parent engagement SSOOPPRR Home Visit components First changes: Use materials in the home, talk to family about routines Increased use of Setting the Stage and Review and Reflection noted Key Indicators Increased use of observation (4) and building on the parents strengths (7) Using adult learning (9) to problem solve (8) and plan (14) is slowly growing
Why we don’t have more definitive data on each peer partner… Partners identify what segments to send to us and how long of a video to send Built upon their strengths but added variability to the PD process We do not have child outcome measures Our focus is on PD use only Timelines flex according to their availability and level of buy in
Proposed Timeline July – August: Pre- Workshop Welcome to DMM Webinar and Technology Training Submit 3-5 pre workshop baseline videos Access website resources (Participants’ Page) September- 1 st Face to Face training Receive electronic copies of all materials Update through Friday s, online modules and monthly webinars Submit monthly videos for feedback and review Join social media February - 2 nd Face to Face Training Continue all of above Share video with peer partner and initiate peer partner coaching June – Virtual graduation
Proposed Progression- IA-DMM AugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMay Training F2F×× Webinars×××××××× Video coaching ××××××××× Observational feedback ××××××××× Weekly s××××××××× Website resources ×××××××××× Online modules ×××××××× Social media××××××××××
And then the implementation teams 9 webinars Q&A Webinar – July 22 Q&A Webinar – August 12 Q&A Webinar – August 26 Q&A Webinar – September 9 Q&A Webinar – October 21 Q&A Webinar – November 25 Q&A Webinar –December 16 Q&A Webinar – March 17 Q&A Webinar – May 19 Monthly s Materials developed IHE website
Next Steps Keep Quality of training Increase on-line content modules in yr. 2 Peer Partners Support more ongoing interaction Friendliness and support of the team s & phone calls Adjust Scheduling With peer partners With FSU Technology bugs On line module in development Lack of time Working with Regional ITs Consistent message to all stakeholders Working with consultants for statewide material development