Climate Action Plan In 2007 a city of Fort Collins resolution called for the creation of the Climate Task Force, a group of local representatives designated with the duty of developing a Climate Action Plan (CAP). The CAP is a road map for the municipal government, local businesses and residents and will help Fort Collins reach its climate related goals. The short term target of the proposed CAP is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission 30% below the projected 2010 emissions level by The long term goal is for the City to reduce its emissions 20% below their 2005 emissions level by the year The CAP has been submitted to the City Council and is awaiting their approval at the moment. Community Climate Challenge (CCC) The CCC is one of the actions the CAP deems necessary to meeting its goals. It will be a residential community climate outreach program intended to encourage residents to reduce their GHG emissions. The CCC will: Educate Motivate, and Link residents with valuable tools to act The idea for a CCC came from basic research by the Climate Task Force into other cities residential community climate outreach programs. Lead by Example All interviewed cities’ municipal operations are reducing energy use and emissions Mayors are spearheading the movement with their own actions Minnesota Energy Challenge has a cumulative total of all pledged reductions Boulder’s personal success interviews Boulder’s map or participants Complexity of Programs Simple Program: “Take 5” of Denver Pledge to do 5 predetermined actions Complex Program: “Low Carbon Diet” Support group of 8-10 friends Discuss home energy renovations Pledge to take an action before the next meeting Challenge Based Programs 10% Challenge of Burlington, VT Personal challenge No extra administration required Minnesota Energy Challenge Competitive Challenge Join a “team” where your total reductions are calculated Teams are ranked online Has encouraged friendly competition People go the extra mile Increased administration difficulties Purpose Research on a Community Climate Challenge in Fort Collins Tyler Ruggles, Michele Betsill, Lucinda Smith, CMMAP City Selection and Motivation Aspen and Denver - local significance Portland, Seattle, Berkeley, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Boulder, Austin, Minneapolis, Ann Arbor, Cambridge - “Lessons From The Pioneers” by John Bailey Burlington, VT - mentioned by Climate Task Force in CCC write-up City Programs and their Implementation Noticeable correlation between city size and quantity of programs offered Larger cities have more staff and resources to devote to development of new programs More programs does not guarantee success Umbrella programs are a common and logical organizational method; see examples below The purpose of my research was to assist Fort Collins in the development of a residential community climate outreach program. To do this I surveyed other cities’ residential community climate outreach programs through background research and interviews. The data on the outreach programs and their implementation strategies was presented to city staff, the Climate Task Force, the City Manager and members of the Changing Climates Initiative at CSU in a series of discussion based presentations. The presentations were designed to generate interest and provoke suggestions for future programs and their implementation in Fort Collins. The research will culminate in a written report for the City that will help city staff develop and deliver better residential community climate outreach programs. Background Fort Collins’ 2007 Air Quality Survey 1.I feel a personal obligation to help improve the air quality in Fort Collins. 2.I know what small changes I could make in my life to help air quality. 3.I feel that small changes I make can affect the air quality in Fort Collins. 4.Global warming is a serious problem. Research Education and Student Involvement Elementary school Berkeley is targeting after school programs Seattle has used design contests Aspen students have tabled around the city High school California Youth Energy Services provide free energy audits College and university Student internships Suggestions Umbrella Program Fort Collins needs one large program under which all of its current programs and future programs will be advertised. This will present a unified, coherent message to the community. Community Climate Challenge Complexity The CCC needs to either have multiple programs to reach out to residents with different levels of interest, time, commitment and available funds, or develop a single program that will be able to address peoples’ different needs and interests. Engaging Students Fort Collins has done a great job in the past with program such as Energy Rules! There is always room to improve and educate more students and get them involved in the programs both helping and participating. Educational Material One of the best methods of encouraging behavior change is through education. Fort Collins has a highly educated community. Stimulating behavior change should not be too hard provided the proper educational outreach. New outreach ideas include: Web based archive of educational material on all aspects of climate change and the “green” movement Online forums for residents to seek help and offer suggestions on climate and energy related topics Teaching high school students how to conduct basic home energy audits to help residents identify the “low hanging fruit” Contact Information: Tyler Ruggles,