The Effect of Advertisement: Marlboro bridge 5 | anne lee.
advertising in general… a successful ad catches the attention of a crowd puts a product on a pedestal and creates a tagline to stick in an individual’s mind gives a personality to the product and has it relate to a general audience makes the product desirable enough to purchase
in the 1920’s when the brand as introduced, the target was for women the tagline was “Mild as May” to be desired for women was not popular second tagline was “Ivory Tips” because of the coloured tips for lipstick stains history of marlboro…
during WWII, the brand was taken off shelves due to the low demand and tobacco rationing Phillip Morris saw an opportunity to remake the brand changed target to men advertised with famous athletes and masculine figures to attract male customers history of marlboro…
after trying out different faces for the brand (i.e athletes, tattooed) Morris kept the cowboy figure the cowboy on the ads later became known as the Marlboro Man he symbolised the successful, but yet common man of the nation, making him relatable the MARLBOROMAN
sales sky rocketed, and the brand went from being virtually unknown, to the best selling the ad campaign is famous for its success even to this day the success is proof of how advertising is linked to marketing and business the MARLBOROMAN
the article tells a timeline from the “Mild as May” tagline creates a story of how the Marlboro Man and Marlboro Country was born the NEWYORKER’s influence
marlboro is a perfect example of how advertising can effect business and the general public the Marlboro Man and Marlboro Country has not only effected the brand sales and ranking, but also the culture of America the cowboy has become a recognizable icon and image for Marlboro to wrap it up…