From Bench to Bed Side: Routine to research Melioidosis research experience Melioidosis Research Center, KKU,
Research questions We need the rapid diagnosis?, Why The organism has been known as a grate immitator 80-90% of septicemic cases die within 1-2 weeks Conventional bacterial culture need at least 72 hrs Over usage of antibiotic cost 300 millions Baht/year
Burkholderia pseudomallei Isolation & Identification Culture Hemo 3-7 days Ashdown selective medium (Ashdown 1979, Wuthiekanun et al., 1990) API 20 NE commercial kits (Dance et al., 1989) Minitek disc (B. pseudomallei and B. cepacia) (Ashdown, 1992) Blood culture techniques (Wuthiekanun et al., 1990) Monoclonal antibodies (Rugdech et al., 1995)
Gram ’ s stain B.pseudomallei Burkholderia pseudomallei
โคโลนี B. pseudomallei แสดง hemolysis บน blood agar Burkholderia pseudomallei โคโลนีเหี่ยว ย่นของ B. pseudomal lei
Laboratory Diagnosis Laboratory diagnosis : Conventional methods : Bacterial cultivation required 72 h. Serological methods : Antibody detection. Antigen detection. Molecular Biology methods: Specific DNA probe. PCR.
Detection of specific antibodies and/or antigens to B. pseudomallei in serum or clinical specimens in suspected patients.
Antibody and Antigen Detection (TRF Project) Sirisinha et al., Sirisinha et al., 2000.
Antibody Detection (TRF Project) Sirisinha et al., Sirisinha et al., 2000.
Antigen Detection (TRF Project) Sirisinha et al., 2000.
Combined Ab and Ag Detection Sirisinha et al., 2000.
What we need more? Rapid test 1 day identification Rapid test 10 min (bed side)
Latex agglutination Using monoclonal antibodies Specific t0 200 Kda exopolysaccharide Specific to B. pseudomallei not B. thailandensis and others Anuntagool, et al, 2000
Latex Agglutination
Test of latex 1369 culture-positive specimens, 204 specimens were culture-positive for B. pseudomallei. Of those, 194 (95%) were positive by MAb-LA and the type of blood culture system did not affect positivity rates. 95.1% sensitivity, 99.7% specificity and 98.8% and 99.2% for positive and negative predictive values, respectively. Anuntagool, et al, 2000
Further test The method was evaluated in a clinical situation on 396 hemocultures positive for bacterial growth of which 75 cultures were positive for B. pseudomallei by conventional biochemical tests. The sensitivity and specificity of the MAb-LA test were 95% and 100%, respectively. The positive and negative predictive values were 100% and 99%. Samosornsuk et al, 1999
Development Latex agglutination Test from culture Test directly from blood blood hemocultureTurbid or growth Latex agglutination 2 min
Test available Distribute to oversea (Hong Kong) Distribute throughout Thailand Plan to train to all public health staff in all area of Thailand
Development to new Technology
Phage display techniques
Patent registration Specific antibodies to Detect antigen Detect antibodies Undergoing project
Molecular Biology Methods PCR. PCR (Rattanathongkom et al., 1996) Sensitivity of 0.5 fg of genomic DNA or 1 bacterial cell/ml.