Improving Quality, Informing Families ConneCT to Quality CONNECTICUT OFFICE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD
High Quality Care for Children with High Needs High Needs Categories Number of Children Low-Income Children80,000 With Disabilities or Developmental Delays 9,000 English Language Learners13,600 Homeless/In Shelters5,000 In Foster Care2,000 With Special Healthcare Needs23,300 With DCF Open Cases19,000 CONNECTICUT OFFICE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD
High Quality Care for Children with High Needs CONNECTICUT OFFICE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD State Funded Programs Substantial State Oversight High Quality Substantial Support for Quality Serve 22,000 Children with High Needs Other Subsidized Programs No State Oversight Of Unknown Quality Minimal Support for Quality Serve 25,000 Children with High Needs
ConneCT to Quality System CONNECTICUT OFFICE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD Create System to Rate Quality Provide Supports and Incentives to Improve Quality Help Families with Children with High Needs Access and Afford High Quality
Rating Quality CONNECTICUT OFFICE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD Quality Rating Scale Broad Overview of Requirements Level 5*Accreditation plus workforce requirements Level 4Accreditation by NAEYC, NAFCC, Head Start, etc. Level 3*External Assessment (CLASS, ERS, etc.) Level 2*Self- Assessment and Plans for Improvement Level 1Licensed Not ratedUnlicensed * In Development
Incentives Annual Quality Achievement Awards Quality Improvement Grants Capital Improvement Grants Tiered Care for Kids Reimbursements Supports Regional Quality Improvement Centers Licensing and accreditation specialists Health consultants Behavioral Health Consultants Trainers Family Childcare Specialists Career counselors Improved Licensing Process Improving Quality
Promoting Access CONNECTICUT OFFICE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD Supports for Families to Find and Use High Quality Care Plain Language Website Community Outreach Financial Supports and Incentives