Foraging For Wild Herbs
Benefits of the Dandelion One of the most common wild plants and can tolerate most weather and soil conditions. The root has been known to be a supplement for Coffee? Flower heads can be added to herb wines. Leaves are great in salads.
Dandelion - Health Benefits For Humans All the plant is edible and contains Vitamins…A,C,K,D,B Iron, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium. Can help……Stimulate liver and kidneys. Can be used as a mild laxative. Simmer the flowers in water for 30 minutes, strain the liquid and use as a cleansing wash for your skin or add to your bath. A root tonic can help you when recovering from major illness or when recovering from achohol or drug abuse.
Dandelions - Health Benefits for Animals Dandelions are safe for dogs, cats, birds, mice, lizards, goats, pigs, rabbits. Immune booster Can help liver and kidney function Can help with Gall Bladder problems. When made into a tea you can use it as a skin wash for your pet, if they suffer with dry, cracked or inflamed skin.
Wild Fennel
Fennel - Health Benefits for Humans Fennel can help digestive problems. Fennel is very mild and has been used to help babies with griping pains. Can help stimulate a mothers milk production Can be used as a valuable antidote for indigestion and irritable bowel. Can help to soothe eye problems when made as a Tea. Can help to relieve sickness. High in Vitamin C,A, Calcium, Iron, Potassium.
Fennel - Health Benefits for Animals
Helps stimulate milk production for mothers. Can help with Colic and trapped gas which many horses and other animals can suffer from. Helps to increase appetite and reduces bad breath When made as a tea, it can be used as a coat rinse for repelling fleas. Fennel can be added to food or made as a tea.
Wild Nettles
Nettles - Health Benefits for Humans Can help to stimulate your metabolism Regulates blood sugar levels Helps with skin conditions such as eczema and acne Can help with liver and kidney function Can help calm allergic reactions whether its internal or on the skin Auto immune booster and helps reduce inflammatory episodes of rheumatoid arthritis.
Nettles - Health Benefits for Animals
The whole part can be used, fresh is used as an infusion, or dry if added to animal feed. Contains Vitamin A, C, D, B. Nettles make an excellent skin and coat rinse which nourishes the animals fur, and provides relief for itchy skin and flea bites. Immune booster Allergenic The root can help relieve Liver and kidney problems Mild anti imflammatory Can help urine retension Flea repellent
Olive Tree Farm Herb Garden Animal coat rinse Flea Repellent oil First aid pet salve Dog treats Dog food immune oil Insect repellent First aid salve Acne Salve Water infussion Oil Infussion Dry supplement